Chapter Two

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After Lucy Carlyle came to the conclusion that the scent of none other than Anthony Lockwood helps her sleep, she decided that she couldn't let herself have anymore sleepless nights, not after the bliss she felt having had the first deep sleep she's had in weeks. So, Lucy devised a plan of action. She knew Lockwood's morning routine very well after living with him for so long, and if she played this right he'd have no idea what she was up to. The following morning, she waited for the all too familiar sounds; the sound of Lockwood's bedroom door opening and closing, and soft footsteps padding down the stairs and to the kitchen. Lucy began her plan. She started to quietly make her way to Lockwood's room. George would not wake for another 10 minutes, and Lockwood would not come back up the stairs for another 20. She had plenty of time. Lockwood's bedroom door opened soundlessly, and Lucy slipped inside. Lockwood's room was not messy by all means, but rather artistically cluttered. Lucy moved quickly towards the bed, and swapped Lockwood's pillowcase for hers; he wouldn't notice, everyone who lived at 35 Portland Row had the same cream coloured pillowcases. After Lucy made the exchange, she made her way back to her bedroom, where she put her new pillowcase on her pillow. That night, she wasn't the only one who had a good night's sleep; the new scent of Lockwood's pillowcase sent him straight to sleep.

The change in pillowcases may not have been noticed, but the change in Lucy's behaviour was. It took a mere two days of pillowcase swapping and and good night's sleep before Lockwood and George noticed the change in Lucy; she laughed more, seemed more alert during cases, and even smiled at George's attempts at humour.
"I'm so glad to see that Lucy's getting better." George said one morning, over breakfast.
"Me too, it's good to have the old Lucy back" Lockwood replied, then, a sudden thought struck him "I think I might do some rapier training today, my rapier is upstairs." George nodded as Lockwood began to make his way upstairs.
Lucy was in the middle of her little pillowcase exchange when Lockwood entered his room. He didn't see her straight away; he was looking at the floor for his rapier. Lucy was frozen on the spot, she couldn't think of anything she could say to explain herself that didn't sound as crazy as the truth. It was a full minute before Lockwood realised Lucy was there, "Lucy?" his eyes travelled to the pillow in her hands, the pillowcase halfway removed "What are you doing with my pillow?"
Lucy was ashamed of being caught, her mind was working fast. "I-I was just changing your pillowcase for you, you know, hygiene and all that." Lockwood was not convinced. "Lucy, what's going on?" Lucy's mind went blank, that was the best excuse she had, there's no way she could think of a plausible excuse as to why she was removing his pillowcase from his pillow that could convince Lockwood. A full minute went by before she finally mumbled "I was swapping your pillowcase for mine." At this, Lockwood seemed even more doubtful, "And why would you do that?" Lucy took a deep breath before answering. "The smell of you helps me sleep, so I started swapping our pillowcases." At this, Lockwood seemed to be thinking, seemed to be deciding if what she said was true or not. He must have reached a decision, because he said "Okay, but can we do this in the evening instead? Because I do have to get dressed in the mornings and you being in my room may be a problem." He smiled at Lucy, the smile he had only for her. Lucy was so relieved not to be told off or yelled at, that she could only nod dumbly at Lockwood.

Over the next few weeks, Lockwood and Lucy shared the same evening routine: change into pyjamas. Brush teeth. Swap pillowcases. Go back to bedroom. Go to sleep. This routine worked very well, both of them slept soundly, and George didn't ask any questions. On a certain night, however, things changed.

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