Chapter 4 - Car Rides Home

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Y/n View

When we played a couple more games I got a text from my mom.

Text Convo

Mom- Hey honey

Y/n- Hey Mom whats up

Mom- You need to come home I got you a early morning shoot with this handsome boy.

Y/n- uh okay does Ryan have to come?

Mom- No only you, I won't be home beacuse i have a late meeting so your gunna have to walk. Sorry Sweetie

Y/n- uh okay, Bye love you

"Uh hey guys i have to go home, Ryan you can stay" "Guys a I have to go to early morning shoot" The blond haired male said.

*Little time skip to when they are going home*

Me and Adrien say goodbye I start wlaking away from Adrien till he grabs my arm "Hey Y/n, Isn't your limo picking you up?" "well my mom has a late meeting so no.." He walks over to his Limo, "Hey Nat.." "Yes Adrien" "Can you drive my friend Y/n home?" She looks down at Me and Adrien and i relize we are still holding hands She smirks "Yes it's okay" Adrien open's the door "Lady's First" "Why thank you Mr.Agrest" i say, We both climb in. I yawn "Tired already" "Well it's like 2 in the morning so yes" He grabs my hand and I flinch a little then I look at him and he smiles lightly, I scout over a little and he slouches down a little, I put my feet on the seat my head on his chest and his arm around me.

I start closing my eyes. I wake up a little later and notice im cuddling with Adrien a sit up a little and see hes sleeping, I give him a light smile and kiss him on the check and lay back down on his chest, He shifts a little and kisses my forhead. I feel asleep again and the next thing I know im being carried bridal styel into my home once we reach my door I close my eyes and pretend to be asleep, Adrien tells a maid that he is going to take me to my room she nods and lets him in. He sets me down in my bed and thucks me in, I opens my eyes a little and see hes gone I lay awake in my room, BB comes out of my purse and we start talking until we both fall asleep.

*Time skip to morning*

I wake up and see BB right beside me snoring a little so I crawl out of bed quitly so i dont wake her, I slide into my bathroom and take a shower, brush my teeth and brush my hair I come out of my bathroom with a towel around me body and see BB still sleeping I get out my outfit and but it on.
This is the outfit

You go over to your vanity and put just a little bit of makeup on, You walk down stairs and see your mom in the kitchen, She tells me that Ryan and our friends are walking to school but I have a modeling shoot so that didnt instrest me, I say good...

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You go over to your vanity and put just a little bit of makeup on, You walk down stairs and see your mom in the kitchen, She tells me that Ryan and our friends are walking to school but I have a modeling shoot so that didnt instrest me, I say goodbye to Mon and head out to the limo, I tell the Limo driver to take me to the park please and he does so.

I get there and see Adrien modeling at the fountin, He stops half way through when he see's me he has a hudge smile on his face a waves me over so we can start taking pictures, I put down my purse and go over.

The photographer is shooting pictures fron diffrent angles "No no no! This is all wrong!" He says with sadness and anger in his voice "Uh what are we doing wrong sir?" I ask, "I need you two to be like a couple not just.. F..friends, ya!" We both blush and look away. He gets closer and puts his arm around me and I kiss his cheack so the photographer can get the shot, "YES MANIFIC!"

Time skip to school

Me and Adrien get to school near lunch we wlak into the cafiteria and see our friend group sitting with each other, Alya calls us over and we sit with our lunch, We were talking when all of a sudden we here this high pictched voice calling "Adrikinnns!" He face palms and looks seriously sad, "Oh look, the devils back from her trip" Nino says.

"Adrikinns did you miss meeee?!" She sits down beside him hugs his arm and kisses his cheak, "Can you stop Chloé your embarrassing me" he says softly "Huh?! what was that Adrikins you want anouther kiss happy to help" She leans in slowly and I lose it "He said stop" with a stern tone in my voice "huh.. And who are you? Loser" "Im Y/n Famous model back in California" I say sassily "Oh and you think you can tell me what to do" "Well he said stop and you clearly heard him" I start standing up, She stands up too and people start crowding around us. "What now your saying I can't hear!!!?" With anger in her voice "No im just saying..." I got cut off by a slap going across my face "Ha that will teach you to mess with me Freak" "You think that will stop me from standing up to you?" I start to yell a bit and get a tug from Alya telling me to stop but I shake it off, "You better stop treating Adrien like this or i'll.." I then got cut off by a cold liqued pooring down my back I open my eyes but then got pushed down by Chloé, I open my eyes once again I can feel tears starting to form, I pick up my bag and run out the room, I can hear lauging and also my friends running after me.

Alya View

"What the heck was that Chloé?!" "Oh just thought I would teach the little brat a lesson" Chloé then gives her best friend a high five, Alya looks at Adrien that is looking that the door he runs out, so does Nino and Ryan, I look at Marinette and she nods I look at Chloé angerly and Slap her across the face, Then me and Marinette leave and go with the boys.

Y/n View

I try to find the girls bathroom beacuse im still new and stuff but i finally find it, I sit in the corner and just start sobbing "W-why *sob* would she *hick* d-do that" I put my head in between my legs and just start crying again.

I keep crying until I see the door swing open with all five if my friends in the bathroom with me, They all confourt me about what just happend and we all walk to the principal's office together.


A/n this was probably my favorite chapter so i hope you guys stay and read the rest of my book i love you my kittens have an amazing night/day <3

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