The Contestants

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Author's friend's note: this was written by a good friend of mine (whom I share this account with), but she never published it, so if I decide that I were to continue this series, the writing styles may be different. Also note that this first part was written two years ago.

Aphmau giggled both nervously and excitedly as she saw the handsome men walk through the grand entrance of her show, <The Aphlorette>. They lined up in front of her, all smiling like princes. She was going to marry one of these people.

"Hey Aphmau," A blonde contestant said and then kissed her hand gently. She blushed. "I'm Garroth. Garroth Ro'meave." He said smiling, but left soon after.

"You're extremely cute, hope to get to know you better!" The next man with dazzling silver and white hair chuckled. "Oh yeah, I'm Travis Valkrum. You might not want to forget that name. After all, you'll be the next Valkrum." He winked and walked away.

The next guy who Aphmau never really noticed, with a hoodie and pale skin came. "You should put down that cupcake," when she was just about to ask why, he continued. "You're sweet enough already." She didn't get to ask for his name before he left.

The following contestant was one with vibrant blue hair. He simply introduced himself, "Hello. I'm Dante, nice to meet you." Aphmau smiled and he returned her smile with a big grin back.

This time it was a girl. She had Ruby red eyes and her head was covered in a beautiful shade of orange. "Heeey," she said in a sexy voice. "I'm Lucinda, your average witch. I'll make magic happen between us heh." Lucinda put a strand of Aphmau's dark hair behind her ear. "Perfect, m'lady." Lucinda smirked and sashayed off.

"Hello there. The name is Aaron. Nice to meet you." The man behind Lucinda said. They shook hands and exchanged a smile before he also left.

"Last but never least," The host said. "We have Laurance here." He grinned at Aphmau and they hugged.

"I'm Laurance, and your name must be beautiful?" Aphmau giggled.

"No Laurance, I'm Aphmau." She said before he left to join the others.

Just as Laurance disappeared into the grand hall, Aphmau smiled at the thought of all the love interests. She couldn't pick a favourite. She liked something in all of them.

The gentleman in Garroth.

Travis' quirkiness.

The mysterious guy's, well, sense of mystery.

How Dante was polite.

Lucinda's confidence.

The joy she could sense in Aaron.

And how she and Laurance hit it off.

She was excited to get to know each one of the contestants better.

The host and Aphmau entered the grand room, where she observed the bachelors communicating with one another. She saw the mysterious guy alone on the couch so she decided it would be a good idea to talk to him.

She walk over to him and as his head tiled up, she smiled.

"Hey Aphmau."


"It's Zane. Zane Ro'meave."

"Oh, you have the same last name as-"

"Before you finish, Garroth and I are brothers."

"Oh! Cool."

Garroth saw Aphmau and Zane talking together. He wanted to steal Aphmau.

" Hey, baby brother! And of course, the beautiful Aphmau." He said.

"Don't you dare call me baby brother! This is embarrassing. We are on TV!" Zane protested towards Garroth.

"Haha," Garroth started. "Not happening."

Aphmau found the situation entertaining and giggled.

"You guys seem to have a GREAT relationship." She continued giggling.

"I know, right baby brother? Now let me steal Aphmau for a moment." He said before taking her arms and linking them with his own.

Aphmau was flustered. Aphmau became red as Garroth walked with her, linking arms.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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