Chapter 1: The Scent of Coffee with The Taste of Disgust

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He thought it was utterly stupid. Everything surrounding him seemed to aggravate him to no end: the overwhelming silence, the books, the smell of coffee- even though there was none in sight- the humans... He sure made a harsh note in his mind to give Eto, and every higher-up involved in burdening him with this mission, a piece of his mind upon returning. To his knowledge, Aogiri wasn't the type of group to watch people from afar. At least, if they were, he was surely never played a part in any prior plans of doing so. He found if a complete waste of time. After all, Kirishima Ayato was a man of action, not one of patience.

The usual process of recruiting ghouls wasn't foreign to him, but this was unlike any other. Apparently, Eto wasn't entirely sure if she wanted this particular ghoul to become a part of their organization, for he had personal connections inside of the CCG- an aspect to the male that could contain drastically beneficial outcomes, or disastrous. His name was Kenji, as far as Ayato knew, but was known by the name of the SS-rated ghoul, Skull. Ayato knew little about him, only as much as information as the CCG would usually hold for a ghoul, which is most likely the reason why Eto sent him out on this ridiculous mission in the first place. He possessed a rinkaku-type Kagune, which appeared in four, sleek appendenges, all holding a glowing color of blue. His mask is where he received his name, however, for it was simply just a human skull covering the upper half of his face. With the reputation this ghoul had, always taking a souvenir of his victims, merciless against the Doves and his own kind, he would have never expected to be sitting in a ridiculous book store in the 12th Ward for hours as he spied on the older man searching the Historical Fiction section as if it was the source of his blood flow.

Come to think of it, Ayato was forced to wonder what type of connections Eto informed him that this male had with the CCG.

Another aggravated sigh left the younger boy's lips, smashing his hand against his face in utter frustration. I've been fucking sitting here like a loser for two hours, he screamed internally, He doesn't even look like he's going to buy anything anytime soon. Perhaps this all would have been a bit more entertaining to Ayato if he was more literate. While he knew the basic levels of reading, he never took the subject far for quite a few obvious reasons. It was, coincidentally, also the reason that he couldn't wrap his mind around why anyone would spend a minute in a book store- let alone over two hours. To make things worse, there was an overwhelming scent of freshly brewed coffee, yet there was none in sight, and it seemed to get stronger and stronger as the minutes passed. This whole mission is infuriating.

"Can I help you find anything, Sir?" The indigo-haired boy swung around fast towards the feminine voice with a startled expression. A girl. He had barely heard her make her way beside him, let alone smell her. She flinched from his sudden movement, not quite expecting his erratic response. In truth, she wasn't even sure if he was awake when she spoke to him. "Oh, I'm sorry." She apologized with a sickeningly polite smile plastered on her overly gentle face, "I didn't mean to frighten you."

"You didn't scare me." Ayato quickly responded, making sure to put on a rude tone in the hopes that she would get the picture and back off. It, as the Kirishima boy came to find out, was not that simple today, however. She barely even faltered with his harsh voice and gaze that was shooting daggers in her direction. He expected her to just make a face and walk away, but that didn't seem to be the case for her. "What the hell do you want?" He snapped after only two seconds went by with her not reacting.

She fidgeted slightly then, and it became apparent that she was aware that she was unwanted. This hesitation did not reach her face in the slightest, though. How frustrating... "Well, you have been here for awhile, Sir." She explained carefully, not wanting to set him off further and cause a disruption in the otherwise peaceful environment. "I just wanted to come over to ask if you needed help with anything. Maybe some recommendations?"

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