Fearful Heart - Chapter Four

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Beatrice walked down a crowded street she had walked many times before. People moved slowly, barely pushing past her. Each person looked down to her clothing, at her. Their eyes staring into her. She tried to get away, moving faster and faster. Pushing past each captivated soul. Her legs began to ache, causing her to come to a slow. Without a sound she fell, nearly hitting the hard ground.

Strong arms caught her. They felt foreign, completely new and despite the unfamiliar touch; they felt welcoming and strong. She thrived, as they picked her up and held her close. Noticing that she had lost herself; she opened her eyes to reveal a man. His royal blue eyes like sapphires and his disheveled dark, curls falling into his face. He smelt of leather and expense cologne. His clothing was perfect, olive green day suit. She had seen him before, like many people in her dream, he was a real person. She smiled up at him, opening her mouth-

Boom! Beatrice awoke to the sound of a single gunshot. Her brown eye popped open, her vision still a little blurred from sleep. Glancing over to the window, she could tell that it was still night time, for the darkness still reigned supreme. Bang! Her pulse began to beat much faster than what was natural. What was going on?

She looked over to Chip, who was still asleep on his own bed of straw. He had fallen in and out of sleep nearly all afternoon, after the receiving quite the large cut on his back. Beatrice had made sure the wound was not infected, a tin bowl with cooling water and cloth still sat next to the sleeping body.

Had he not heard the gunshot? Was that even possible? She asked herself, as she sat up on her bed of yellow, straw. Beatrice swiftly moved over to her friend, crawling on her hands and knees to avoid being at the same level of the window.

"Chip," Beatrice whispered, sitting down next to him. She touches his bony shoulder and jolted it as lightly as her shaking arms could muster. "Chip-"

"Hmmm." Chip moaned and push Beatrice's hand away. "Bea, stop-"

"Chip. Wake up!" She shook his arm harder, with more urgency. "You need to-"

"Ouch." He howled, pain rushing into his recently scarred back. He twisted and turned to get away from her touch. "Don't do that! You're hurting me!"

"Sorry. I did not mean to hurt you! There's just... someone outside." Beatrice whispered, urgency laced in her voice. Her trembling hands grabbing at the fabric on her nightgown. "Come on. I don't know what to do. There were gunshots and-"

"I am sure they will leave. Now, let me get some rest." Chip replied, as he rolled over and fell asleep in only seconds. His snores breaking the silence of the night.

Bang! Another gunshot was fired, the sound flooded her ears. Beatrice turned, looking around: trying to get a glance out the window from where she sat. Whoever this was, was definitely not going to leave by the morning. I have to do something! Beatrice thought, her breathing becoming heavy from the weight of fear. It can't be that bad. If I go outside, maybe I will scare them off. Her mind was racing, but her ideas were limited and with no better option; she decided that if she was going to die, it was not to be in her nightgown.

Seconds passed, as she crawled herself to where her yellow dress was always waiting. Making sure that she was out of the sightline of the window, she pushed her body to move to the table. Pulling the dress off the chair, she wiggled into the tight corseted top, which was unbelievably difficult while sitting. She stood up, forgetting to tie the top of the lace.

Sitting on the table was an old kitchen knife, rust saturating the long blade. Beatrice pulled the weapon from the surface and close to her bosom. It's better than nothing. She reassured herself, although it was not working very well since her hands were shaking to the point where holding the knife was difficult.

She made her way to the door and took in a breath. What would be outside? Her heart was pounding and every fiber of her being was screaming not to go out the door. Will this be it? She asked herself, putting her hand on the door handle.

She unlocked the locked the iron latch. Carefully, she pulled the old door open. The rusted hinges squeaked as they were pushing. Darkness and nighttime air flooded into the little room.

"Who is there?" Beatrice asked into the blackness, trying to steady her hands as she concealed the knife. "Show yourself! No one will get hurt."

A figure entered out of the shadows, holding a pistol up in one hand. The mysterious person was tall, their body was built in height and, though his lanky appearance, seemed to be quite muscular. The figure walks towards Beatrice, causing her to take her knife out of the dress' fabric. The move was quick, but it caught the attention of the figure. Holding the gun further out in front of them, Beatrice swallowed.

"Hey, hey! Ain't no need for that." The voice was deep and masculine, slightly accented. He held the gun higher into the air but continued to walk closer to where she stood. "I ain't gonna hurt ya, girly."

"Who are you?" She cried into the darkness. "What do you want from me?"

"Shouldn't you know who I am?" The man replied as he stepped upon the first stair, almost close enough to touch her.

Beatrice gasped.

Cobblestone Heart (Society Hearts: Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin