Chapter 15. Do The Right Thing.

Start from the beginning

He fucked me over once and I cut his ass off, I wasn't about to let him do it again and now I knew I was right to not forgive his bitch ass.

"Where does Deejay stay? You know?" I questioned and Amaru shook his head after contemplating it.

"I use to know but after everything went down I went looking for him to take care of him myself. His place was empty, my dumb ass should've known he would've saw it coming" he explained as I shook my head.

I went into a deep thought after that and stared straight ahead. Amaru wrinkled his nose probably assuming I was staring at him but I wasn't. I wasn't even really looking at anything, just thinking.

"How'd you know?" I questioned out loud. Amaru pulled out a brush and brushed the top of his head growing confused.

"Man I just told you I went there to take care of him myself and he wasn't there. That's how the fuck I knew he wasn't there!" He snapped.

"Fam that's not what I'm talking about. How'd you know you were just into dudes?" I questioned lowly.

Amaru seemed caught off guard and he looked me over. He eventually relaxed some and got a grin on his face.

"I just knew. But what you have to understand is that not every gay person is the same, I use to think I couldn't be gay because I don't walk with a twist or act very feminine. Just ignorant shit like that, it's hard to explain but if you're gay you'll just know" he said with a shrug.

"So when you look at me what do you see? Do I come across as gay?" I questioned and he laughed awkwardly.

"Honestly? No. I know a lot of people say they can tell when someone's gay but I really didn't get that vibe from you until you got around Ron. You get this look in your eyes like you wanna fuck the shit out of him. I think once you get passed the stereotypes you'll figure it out" he said and I gave a simple nod.

I mean he was right, I did wanna fuck Ron every time I saw him. He was the only person I did wanna mess around with, the more Saint teased Amaru and I about sharing Aaron, the more I knew that'd never be a possibility.

I didn't want to share Aaron's lame ass with anyone else and I'd never be okay with that shit. I also wasn't even into Amaru like that, he was decent looking he just wasn't who I wanted.

I called for the check before paying and leaving the uneaten fries and Amaru followed me out. I made him walk out of the diner first giving him a slight push just incase I'd been followed, if anybody was getting shot tonight it'd be him.

"It's still fuck you forever, as soon as we take care of this bullshit I'm whooping your ass just because" Amaru stated boldly.

I kept a straight face as I stared at his soft ass. He wasn't whooping shit but if he wanted to fight, I'd fight him, I liked to fight.

I didn't bother saying shit to him and headed over to my car once the coast was clear. I tried to call Aaron to let him know I was coming over but my call went straight to voicemail like I should've known it would.

I thought about calling Saint to see what was up but I didn't feel like him saying any slick shit to me either so I decided to just ride over there.

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