My Fake Relationship (Chapter Twenty Six)

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"Really? Wow, it's gone so quickly," I whispered.

"I know," he nodded, "I feel... kind of like a bad boyfriend now."

"A bad boyfriend? Why would you think that?" I asked.

"I don't know, I realised the other day I hadn't bought you a gift," he said.

"I don't need gifts, Ringo, I love you all the same," I told him.

"I know you do, but... I kinda want you to have something I gave you, so then when someone asks where you got it from, you can say 'oh, I'm not sure, my boyfriend got for me' with a nice smile," he mocked my voice slightly.

I couldn't help but laugh and he sighed at me.

"I'm sorry, that's cute, it really is," I told him, "but I don't need that, I just need you, okay?"

He sighed. "Yeah, okay."

I knew my parents where just sitting at home waiting for me. Harry had seen them in the morning and he had told them I needed to talk to them. I had to tell them everything, what choice did I have? Ringo was dropping me home and he was going to get my stuff from his house and drop it by later. I had decided the Tim stuff was going to wait until the weekend because right now, compared to everything else, it felt like a lot, and I didn't want to have to explain everything right now.

I got home and was I greeted and hugged by my parents, and they went on about a few things they did while they were away and once they were done I decided to explain everything to them about my relationship with Tim not being real, and me actually being with Ringo, and I knew it wouldn't go well, but it really wasn't going well at all.

"I don't understand," my mum said sitting down.

"I know it sounds bad, but I didn't know what else to do," I explained.

"You're dating Ringo?" my dad asked, with a deep frown.

"Yes," I nodded.

"Because Tim is gay, and you were helping him," he muttered.

"Yes...and I stayed at Ringo's," I whispered the last part.

"You stayed at Ringo's!" my dad exclaimed.

"Yes, but only because I was too afraid to stay here. Harry... didn't take me dating Ringo well, and he hit Ringo," I said.

"That's not reason to stay at his house," my dad said sternly.

"Well... he... accidentally hit me too. I was trying to stop them fighting and he hit me," I explained.

"He hit you?" my father asked, now standing up.

"Yes, but I'm fine, so don't punish Harry," I said quickly, trying to calm my Dad now.

"Don't punish Harry?" my mum asked, shaking her head.

"Yes.... look, Ringo's dropping my stuff over soon," I told them, trying to get off the subject of Harry at least.

My father shook his head. "You shouldn't have stayed at his place."

"I didn't know what else to do...and his brother was there the whole time," I muttered.

My mother stood up without a word and started pulling out a saucepan and frying pan and food to cook. 

"What about Tim?" she asked.

I shook my head. "Everything that is happening now, I'm doing it for him. He doesn't want to talk to me. He think he's ruined my life and now he's parents know the truth and he's not doing to well. He's only contacted Harry because he's too afraid to talk to anyone else."

My Fake Relationship with My Best Friend **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now