Maybe We'll Lose Ourselves

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"I'm sorry. But this is the only way to get him back on the right track. There is no other alternative. ...This is the only chance for him to build a new life." Nodded Mercer confessed to him, pointing out that he saw Gary's future otherwise black when they didn't take his memories of him.

"No. No. You cann't do it to him. ...When you take all the memories of Gaz, you also take his life at the same time. What you're up to is beyond torture." Howard couldn't allow that.

To begin with, the food was beaten in Gary was a thing, but now he wanted to take his memories. No. This was clearly too far for him. In this way, Gary not only lost his identity, but he could become a completely different person as well. Howard liked his friend the way he was. Even his little quirks, which he now missed something like this. In the worst case, he wouldn't want to be friends with him afterwards. What was like a nightmare for Howard. He wanted to keep him in his own memories as he had been, and not as a Gary, whom he did not even know.

"What kind of life should we take from him? He is only vegetating, that one can no longer call life. ...I admit openly that the process looks like torture, but it allows him to build a new and better life with his children. ...It can ultimately prove to be an advantage for him." The doctor tried to explain to him that it was only for Gary.

"First of all, he already had the perfect life and besides, I meant more like that for me personally is like a torture and I bet that Mark and Robbie wouldn't do it differently. ...But thank you for the picture, now I feel very badly." Howard was initially more interested in the whole thing on himself.

"I think you are overdramatised this now. How do you come up with the insane idea, that personally? You should help him so that he can find himself again in this world." Mercer, Howard took the whole thing too close and personal.

"That's exactly the point. Do you think it will be easy for us to have a look at how Gary is wandering around without any memory and no longer recognizing his entire world? He'll feel like an alien being kidnapped by his home planet and exposed to another." Howard let him know how he saw it and what Gary could feel.

"I have to agree with him. Gary's entire world always consisted of music and his family. I can imagine how it goes when he meets his children again. At the latest from this point onwards he would ask himself what the mother from the three had become. To take the memory of him doesn't bring too much. ...Apart from that, you forget that he has now moved up to England in a national sanctuary. What do you think about how he will react to the many fans out of there? If I were him, I would either hide or run away at all times. ...In my opinion, there is the danger that Gary could fall back into old patterns." Jason tried to explain to the doctor with arguments that this should be different.

"I admit that there is a certain residual risk. But we've to do something and that is the better option for your friend than to let him be vegetated in this institution all his life. ...I can hardly imagine that you really want that." The doctor knew about Jason's concerns and showed him the picture, if they did nothing at all and left Gary in this condition.

On the last sentence, Jason looked up at the doctor and admitted that he was right in the one point. He definitely didn't want to see how Gary had to spend the rest of his life here and eventually died in a miserable state. No. The image was clearly disgusting to him. So something had to happen. But did they have to go so radically and delete the memories? Was there no other option? ...According to Dr. Mercer does not.

"And how do you want to do that?" Jason asked, in a tone of voice, as he wanted to take Gary's memories forever.

"With an electric shock therapy!" The doctor finally said after a dramatic silence.

Don't Rewrite My History - Take That FF   (in English)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz