Pops < Cute

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There was this guy, he stayed at Pops till early morning, he probably goes home at 4:00 am. I stayed there too, I have inspiration from the people in Pops. They seemed so happy, except for that boy. I asked Pops and he said his name was Jughead Jones, that was all he would tell me. So now I take you here.

"Can I get a vanilla milkshake" I say to Pops and he nods. He quickly makes it and head back to me.

"How's your school" he asks and I shrug, siping my milkshake.

"Why do you stay here"

"Why does he stay here" I say nudging to the boy three booths from me.

"He wants to get away from his problems...."

"There's your answer"

"And write his novel" he continues and I groan.

"Nevermind, get back to work, your bothering me from drawing this PERFECT sunset" I say and he shakes his head, going back to the counter. I take out my camera and take a picture before it fades in the trees.

"Now to draw" I mumble to myself and get out my sketch book and pencil. But instead of drawing the sunset, I start to draw Jughead's face. I kinda felt bad for doing so but my hands kept moving. I throw my book across the room and hit my head on the table multiple times.

Why did I even draw that? How did I know how he looks even if his face was covered by a screen?

I stop questioning myself and throw my pencil. I groan and get up, going to the place I threw my stuff. My drawing of mysterious boy was ripped out. I sighed and get back to my seat.

I take my laptop out of my bag and turn it on. I open up my book and start typing down my new thought of book.

A boy, mysterious to most, hid behind a screen when I would see him. I didn't see his face but I knew what it looked like. His name was..... I KNOW WHAT HIS NAME IS BUT IM NOT SAYING IT GOSH DARN!!!!!!!! I'm stupid, now a page of my sketch book is missing and it had a drawing of HIM. I just wish I would find it when I can. He never notice me, I always was in my sketch book, sketching away, taking pictures, and drinking milkshakes.

I sigh and publish the story. I put my hand up and Pops comes over.

"Can I get a latte" I say thumping my head in the table.

"I'll go get it"

A phone rings and the boy takes out his phone. After using it for awhile I was left with wide eyes.

"Earth to Y/n" Pops says putting a hand in front of my face. I stare blankly at him before I throw my stuff once again. This is how I caused my confusion. But then my laptop was catched.

"So you are (insert username)" he says looking at my screen. I just nod my head and he slightly smiles.

"You know, it's not good to stare, right" he says and I just look around, Pops was gone. He sets another laptop in front of me and he beckons to it.

"Read that last chapter"

Pops always served a girl who had h/c hair and e/c eyes. She seemed nice, she draws, which I think is cool. So right now she threw her sketch book to the floor and started banging her head on her table. I get up and grab her sketch book. It had amazing drawn views and people. One of those people she drew was me, and let's just say it was quite nice. I rip it out and set the book back down. I look towards her again and she stares at me for just a moment, then groans. She gets up to get her stuff and sits back down.

"So you write about me too" I ask and he nods his head.

"Only because you made me" he says and I laugh.

"I'm gonna write something on your computer, okay" I say and he nods.

"As long as I could write something on yours"


She threw her computer and I caught it, i realized that she was an author of a book I have been reading. I walk up to her and smile. She gets my laptop and types down rapidly.

"Will you go on a date with me"

After Jughead read the short summary, he starts typing down on my computer.

I threw my computer across the rooms and he caught it. He hands me his computer and we type on each other's laptop. I asked him a question and he soon replies.

"Sure, only if it is here"

After reading that, I smile and smirks at me.

"Are you going to publish this or what" he says and grabs and napkin along with a pen.

"Here's my number" he says and hands me the napkin. I smile at him and pack my stuff. I head home and turn on my computer once again. I publish the chapter and my phone rings.

JJones: If you are allowed to publish mine, I'm making my own story and publishing yours.

Me: Go ahead, I don't care.

JJones: Picl you up at 6:00 pm?

Me: I'd like that

And with that I fall asleep.

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