My dad shook his head. Marco scoffed, "Its everywhere, Lucario. In big and bold, Alpha Marco of Western Moon pack breeds a blessed son."

My heart sank. Our kind, the werewolves, we all mature at nineteen. Well, we are supposed to. Every year, there are about two wolves who don't mature. Maturity isn't like human puberty. We carry out normal bodily human growth; as if we were human. Because we are half human, and wolf; our werewolf genes don't kick in until nineteen.

When we mature, our bodies morph into wolves. It isn't on full moons, and we don't look human at all. We are fully wolf. We still harbor human consciousness within our bodies, and we control our physical functions, but we take the wolf form.

Blesseds, are wolves who don't shift on schedule. Their bodies have a chemical imbalance that causes them to shift at an unknown time. This is shamed upon by our Alpha. Marco is the most powerful wolf in the pack. He even made a law that any Blesseds should be beaten until they trigger the shift. I can't imagine what his son is going through. I lowered my head in the thought. My mom noticed and wrapped her fingers around my bicep.

"He can't help it, Marcos." Dad said softly. He looked at Marco quizzically, hoping he understood the medical explanation.

Dad is a doctor for our Kingdom. He trains all the newbies on basic procedures for healing wounds. We heal fast on our own, naturally, considering the wolves have a fastened immune defense system. There are times, however, where certain herbs and chemicals can be used against us in warfare, and we need doctors to know how to save us. Dad looked into the case of Blessed werewolves for years.

He found the proof himself. He saw how the chemical equations didn't match, or how they were altered. Dad always hated the denial of scientific proof. I guess I do too. At least in this case. How could you beat and whip your child for something they have no control over? Even when there is a clear and obvious reason why this is happening? It's just not logical.

"Listen, friend," Marcos set his hand on my Dad's shoulder. "I just want to catch up. Do you think you could stop by the castle sometime? The guards will let you in at anytime. Try Tuesday night maybe? My wife will be back from a conference in Paris. Also, all my children are back on fall break for school."

"Goddess, I haven't seen Lily in ages. I talk to her on the phone constantly, but it's not the same. Do you think we could make it, Lucario?" Mom let go of my arm and walked to Dad. She pleaded just with her big eyes that somehow avoided the snow that clung to my lashes with no hesitation. Dad nodded his head in a matter of seconds.

"That's a deal, Marco," my mom said shaking her head. "I can't wait for the kids to see each other again! I bet they don't even remember each other."

Marco smiled half heartedly. In his face I could see something. Nostalgia, maybe. "Lily and I will be glad to have you all join our family." Turning to my mom and nodding. "Just like old times." He swerved past my parents in a swift manner. Then, he shoved the laboratory doors open like he owned the place.

Dad turned back towards us with half of a scowl. I could tell he wasn't as pleased as he lead on. Father was good at pretending. I first took note when my grandparents passed. He completely switched emotions like sipping up a jacket of emotion. If only I could unzip him. Only Mom could, and my brother and I were left wondering.

We all walked towards the car. I could tell my mother was just itching to get into my dads head. The quicker she found out what was bothering him, the faster she could resolve it. She was the solution side of the parental equation. Dad just analyzed the conflict. Mom gave us the ultimate resolve to our issues. She hurried and sat in the passenger side of my fathers posh looking car.

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