Second Day

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I'm so so sorry this took so long it was about 1,000 words longer but my wattpad deleted that 1,000 and I was really sad and gave up so I made the ending a little different and faster because I basically had to rewrite everything. Enjoy my little cakes!


I awaken hours later to the sound of the wooden door opening and closing. I don't feel Rob's presence next to me any longer and I sit up, it must be early morning by the pleasant sunshine coming through the little window on the door. I stand gaining my balance and rubbing my eye's. I put a hand against the dirt wall that's freezing and moist.

"R - Rob," I stutter and force myself to go outside. I push down on the handle to the door and shove the door open; about thirty blocks away stands Rob looking at something in the distance. I stagger towards him my balance not entirely there, he must hear me and turns around.

"Oh hi Kosmos, I didn't wake you did I?" He asks and smiles. A peace comes over me and I relax a little, I don't know why I was worried about him he's a grown man and can probably protect himself just fine.

"No you didn't wake me," I smile at him and look up at the sun. From the sun just coming up over the horizon I think it's about 6:00. "What time do you think it's about?" I ask Rob double checking that I'm correct.

"Maybe 5:00 or 6:00," he smirks and looks back at what he had been before, "That's our food supply over there." At the word food I realize how hungry I had become over night; I see a herd of cows about 6 on a hill hundred fifty blocks out.

"You think we could mate them?" I ask smiling wider because I notice how hungry I am.

"Depends on if we can grow wheat," he says and a childish look comes across his face as he runs a little to my left towards some tall grass. "What do we like just punch it?" he asks rhetorically punching the blocky grass sure enough it fractures into pieces leaving behind only some specks of-

"Seeds!" I call out before I can stop myself. I feel the excitement rush through me, was I excited because we just found wheat seeds or because that we was Rob and me. MrWoofless and I were in Minecraft together, which is bad at a certain level but it's amazing to see what he's really like in person. I step back and look at him, he's taller than I could've imagined and his voice sounds different in person - I don't know how it sounds different it just does it's clearer and deeper in person I guess. Rob looks back at me holding them in his hands the childish grin to big for his face.

"Oh yes. We're in busyness baby, no caucus can stop us from mating cows!" he shouts to no one in particular and runs back to our little first day hut. He shoves the door open dramatically and pretends to flip his hair, I can't help but die laughing. He goes in and I see a chest - which is next to the crafting table - that he must have placed earlier don't know how I missed it. He gives me the seeds and as he opens the chest he mumbles under his breath "Gotttttta makkkkkkke aaaaaa hoeeeeee" extending all the words as he searches. He plucks out some wood and some sticks and places them on the crafting table. Although I can't see him making the hoe I can see the purple sparkles then Rob turns around the stupid smile still plastered across his face holding the hoe high in the air. "Ta-da! A hoe!" he says and goes outside next to the little hut and takes a few hits at the ground and slowly the land becomes tilled. I get on my knees and carefully put the little seeds into the ground placing some dirt over them.

"How long do you think it's gonna take for them to grow?" I ask and he shrugs at me.

"No clue but I do know I'm hungry and we ran a really long way... Yes!" he says the last part to himself; handing me the hoe and runs into the small hut. He reemerges holding a white chunky type thing that I reconizge as bonemeal; how ever he got bonemeal it's a miracle because I think I may start to starve to death. He sprinkles it down over the wheat and it pops up instantly, use the hoe to cut the wheat down and I replant the seeds I get back. I hold the wheat tight and smile at Rob.

"Use some more!" I exclaim and we repeat this a few more times until he runs out of bonemeal. "We've got nine wheat," I say as I finish counting them off. I begin to run towards the cows they look marvelous in the sun shimmering but as we get closer I see that most of them have ropes around their necks and they're tied off to little wooden posts. Someone's tamed these animals; there's other people in minecraft. My thoughts begin to race and a panic rushes over me again the same as this morning. What if they don't welcome us, what if they try to kill us? I stop suddenly and Rob nearly skids into me; he must see the leads also.

"You think there really are others?" he asks quietly.

"I don't know but what if -" I take a breath and stare at the cows next to a hill. They're on the edge of the unknown.

"We should prepare ourselves before going over that hill, who knows how we'll be welcomed." Rob says wary wherry and then starts to spirit back to the hut.


I make a iron sword with some iron that I hadn't used. Woof takes my stone sword and a bow that he had gotten from a skeleton he killed in the early morning and arrows as well; I mean he is the snipping king isn't he? Surprisingly I have just enough iron for a chest plate and I insist he take it but in the end he refuses. He said something about how I should be safer and have an advantage just in case, he thinks I'm a child at this game when really we're at the same level - age doesn't make a difference we're in minecraft for god sake. But I take the chest anyway it can't hurt right? We make some bread instead and split the last piece in half. I can see the troubled look in his oak colored eyes, he must be terrified as I am because his hands are unsteady as they grasp the wooden handle of the stone sword. 

"Ready?" he asked me still trying to put a smile on his face. I smirk a bit back.

"When ever you are," and then he took off running towards the big hill. I was on his tail the whole time and when we had got to the top of the hill I was shocked what we'd found. A town a real town with people in it. It was small and I couldn't help but to notice was short guy who was in a leather chest and had a stone sword, then I realized who it was and so did Rob because he erupted with a cry.



Well this is long over due I am so so sorry. I love you all thank you for 1K reads in advance and hopefully you enjoyed. I'll shoot for my next post date to be mid July but I'll probably end up posting early August, sorry xoxo


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