Some humans liked rough and aggressive sex, just like fish. So fuck him, yes, I was going to compare fish and humans.

He backed away from me and asked the class this time. "What is it good for? What is aggression good for?"

"To knock the shit out of someone," some guy said in the back of the classroom.

Everyone laughed and Harry continued on with his lecture. As time finally ended, our papers from the other day were layed across the counter of his desk and we had to find whichever one was ours. When I finally found mine, I had a grade of 71 which was unacceptable. I stood in the hallway and waited for him to finish his last conversation with one of my peers.

Finally, he walked through the door and locked it behind him.

"Emilia, what's up?" he sighed and I handed him my paper.

"Why didn't I get an A?" I asked while shoving the paper into his chest.

"You didn't cite any of your sources in it. I could have had you removed from the class. That's considered plagiarism at this school,"he ran his hand over the scruff on his cheeks and looked over the paper again.

"I didn't use any sources. I knew all of this. It's in my own words," I scoffed.

"Well, you were supposed to use sources," he raised his brows and smiled at me confused as to why this was an issue.

"I knew it all. Why would I use sources if I knew the answers myself?"

"Because this is college and you're supposed to be learning something scholastic and sources are where that happens," he clapped back and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, I get it. You're punishing me because I flicked you off and lost my temper. It happens. Just please, I don't make C's, especially low C's."

"Well you did. Make sure next time you source," he said with a tone that told me he was so over this conversation.

"Seriously?" my tone was shrill and I had to take a deep breath so I wouldn't lose it. "Please relook at it."

"Emilia, I'll reread it, but your grade is final. And I'm not reacting to your behavior from the hallway a few weeks ago, which was inappropriate by the way. I'm reacting to your behavior now, which is incredibly disrespectful."

He started to walk off ahead of me and I had to jog to keep up with him. "Listen, I'm sorry. I'm not typically a hostile person."

"Really?" He mocked as he turned a corner to head out of the building.

"I work hard and I study hard. Just please reconsider my grade," I basically begged as he tried to ignore me.

His car was apparently parked right in front of the building. A black range rover with chrome detailing beeped and he opened the driver's side door.

"Please, I'll write a ten page paper and email it to you tomorrow with ten sources," I   begged. I wasn't above working hard and asking for second chances.

"No, I'm not reading a last minute ten page paper. I don't know what to tell you, Emilia. Just because it was all right doesn't mean you get an A+. You needed to elaborate and you needed to source some things. You should know that by now and I shouldn't have to explain it to you," he shrugged his shoulders.

"I have a scholarship that I can't lose," I sighed feeling frustrated and anxious that this was my first ever 'C' grade.

"You should have thought of that before," he frowned obviously irritated that we were still having this conversation.

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