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  I blinked and quickly looked at the r-... the sun isn't rising no more. I sigh, I missed it. I pout a little then turn to Jack and instantly starts asking questions, "Why did you kiss my forehead yesterday?" Jack shook his head slowly as if he already regrets it and replies, "I am not sure. I guess I wasn't thinking much and that's the only thing that went though my mind." I hesitate and notice he doesn't really want to go over it. I was like telling someone what they did when they were drunk which was a bad thing probably. I pause longer then tilt my head and ask, "Can you even see what you are reading?" I examine the book and my jaw drops. It was upside down! I giggled as he pauses also and say, "I can act... It makes me remind when I could read." I laugh some more as he snaps, "What?" Slowly I say between breaths, "It's... upside... down!" He freezes and says, "Oh, right..." He slowly flips it over and the place it down on the bed and says, "Forget that happened..." I laugh a little and reply, "Alright if you want me to." I smiles widely, although he couldn't see it yet he was staring like he could see my bright smile. I sigh and continue to stare at his dark figure on the bed, the plain blue book on the bed. Then another question bursted from my mouth, "What is that falling from your... eye... socket?" He 'looks' at me and slowly reply, "Tar..." I stare at him for a bit then open my mouth to ask if I can feel some of it ad he sighs and wipes some off and almost instantly the whipped area is replaced with new tar. He holds it out and lets me grab it. I smile and grab it some still in his hand as he cleans it off as I play with the odd gooy tar I giggle a little as it oozes. soon I got rid of it and I cleaned my hands and started picking the tar under my (Long/short) nails. I yawn again as he picks up his book for some reason as I left the room and I heard snickering then as I turn the corner a young yells, "BOO!" I jump almost out of my skin as I fall to the floor, growling a little. She giggles and says, "Got you! Do you wanna play?" I sigh and say, "Yeah and I don't know what do you have to play with?" Sally pauses and say, "Whatever you can think of!" I smile and say, "Okay." (Whatever you want to play with her) After a while you got away. She just didn't want to stop playing! Also the looks she gave her made it that much harder to leave. I sigh and hide behind the couch on the wall. She looks around the edge of it and jumped when BEN says, "She's gone..." I blink and asks, "Where is your hat?" He grumbles and I laugh uncontrollably then he threatens me, "I will tell Sally." I roll my eyes as I keep laughing and freeze when he says the threatening words, "SALLY (Y/N) IS IN HERE!" Sally came sliding around the corner wearing his hat, causing me to aw a little the I sprint down the hall as she is yelling, "IS THIS TAG?" I slide around something when she isn't looking and sighs and goes to get revenge when Sally yells, "(Y/N)!" I gasp and run around a corner and down a hall when I was dragged into a room. I sigh and look over and realize it's not E.J... I gasp again and reach for the door but then gets dragged to a chair and a tall clown looking man stands in the shadows. I freeze in fear as I sit in the cold chair that felt... bloody? I held my breath as the clown leans closer and says, "Hey there kiddo." I say nothing out of fear, "Cat got your tongue?" He holds up a human tongue and my eyes widen. He smiles and leans back then replies, "Don't be so scared kiddo, I actually saved you, Sally would be following and looking for hours." He gave a smirk, showing his sharp teeth. He pats her hair and say, "Alright... If you would rather leave..." He stands and lets me walk out. Before I run out he asks, "Candy?" He holds out candy and I hesitantly grab it and say, "Thanks..." That smile unsettles me..." I sprint out and run to where Jack is, but makes a detour to loose Sally again. I sigh as I slide down the door Jack is 'reading' I roll my eyes and say, "It's upside down..." He calmly flips it over and flips the page wondering if it's just the sound of the paper flipping. I become curious and walk up to him and put my fingers near his ear. He 'looks' sideways at me curious and throws the book when, yes, I flick my fingers in his ear. I gasp and duck not expecting him to react like that. "DAMN IT! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" I breath and sit up a little and whisper and say, "Seeing if that would hurt you ears..." I grab the book and but it in front of him. Slowly I lay down eyes still wide and say, "I met a black and white clown..." He looks up and says, "Did he give you candy?" I freeze and bring out the candy I was planing to eat later, "Yeah..." "Throw it out... it poisonous." My mouth gaps open and I can't believe it... I throw it at the garbage and he flinches and I shrink a little and say, "Sorry..." He growls a little and adds, "Slender said that I have to train you to defend your self." I blink in surprise and says, "What?" I open my mouth to protest the close it knowing I didn't have a word of it. I stand to go train and he stops and says, "Hit me as hard as you can." I blink token aback then swing feeling clumbsy he shakes his head and says, "Keep you wrist stiff but not too much that you jam it and get a real stance. I blink and get a better stance and, as doing what he said, I swing at him and he moves a little I smile in triumph. He nods a little and says, "Better." Now dodge my attack. He swings and he calm swing misses my face by a few inches. After a bit of practicing I was tired and he barely seemed winded I huff and lay down in my make-shift bed and close my eyes as he continues flipping pages at a rhythm.  

Blind Love (Eyeless Jack x Female reader) -OLD-Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat