Chapter Five - Sleeping Alone II.

Depuis le début

“He got hit by a bomb Louis, not a bag of flour.”

“Do you want anything to eat?”


“I’m going to the canteen, I’m clearly not much help here.” He muttered, his eyes darting around the room as he sighed and shoved the chair from beneath his body.

“A coffee would be lovely,” I returned with a sorrowful looking smile.


“As always.” 

I was left in the room, alone with only the sound of the heart monitor beeps to keep me company. I slid my chair back to the side of the bed and held his hand in mine. I linked my fingers through his, my hand held tightly but his fingers remained completely limp and motionless. I sighed and curled his fingers around mine with my free hand. I stared at his face before I gently swept his hair backwards, away from his face with my unhooked hand. My fingers traced the cuts along his cheek, the bridge of his noise and down past his chin.  

I looked around the room subconsciously, double checking I was alone. “I know you’re asleep, you can’t hear me. But I suppose when you’re like this, it’s the only time I feel as if I can say this without sounding weak.” I took a heavy, shaky breath as I continued to check to see whether he was still sleeping. “What I said earlier, I didn’t mean it. I was just angry, your words stung. I don’t think it was really what you said but I think it’s because,” I gulped physically, “I love you and the words hit me like an arrow through the chest. I don’t think you feel the same as I do, which is why I could never say this when you’re conscious.” I took another deep breath, closing my eyes briefly and reopening them. “I hate to admit that I need you. I can and have survived on my own, but with you by my side, I feel safe and most of all I feel wanted, needed. I’m sorry for shouting like a bitch. I promise I’m nothing like him, I only want to do good and I hope you know that too.” 

I jumped when the heart rate monitor beeped louder and quicker than seconds before, but only a small period of time passed before it was back to normal. I don’t know what I was expecting to happen, a little speech wouldn’t wake someone up from a coma.

I was so transfixed on watching the monitor waiting for a change that I didn’t even notice Louis had returned until he was sliding a cup of steaming hot coffee in my hand. 

“You alright?”

“Not really.” I replied honestly. 

“He’s always the careful one, the fast thinker, the strong fighter. It shouldn’t be him lying there.” He spoke, his tone getting darker with each word.

“It shouldn’t be anyone lying there.” 

“I could name at least one person I wouldn’t mind seeing there. No offence.” He shrugged his shoulders at his last words, I knew he was talking about Axel - my dad, but in all honesty I agreed.

“Don’t worry, I don’t blame you for thinking that. I’d prefer it that way too.”  

We both shot our heads towards the door when it opened ajar. I sipped on my cardboard cup, the burning drink hurting my throat. Paul walked in, with Zayn trailing close behind. He had a pile of papers in his hand but I couldn’t see what they were from where I was sat. 

“Anything new?” Paul asked hopefully. Louis and I both shook our heads disappointedly. Paul nodded in return and sat down on the opposite side of the room with Zayn next to him. 

“What’s that?” Louis questioned, pointing at the papers and taking the words right from my mouth.

“Zayn found some things.” He answered, Zayn nodded in confirmation. Louis shuffled forward and even I sat up straighter, Paul’s tone of voice got me intrigued. “It wasn’t quite Italy.”

Escape Route (Decode Sequel)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant