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Please read the rules before submitting your entry. If I found out you haven't read the rules or didn't follow them, you will be disqualified.

1. You must enter your story in the proper category (based on genre). If your genre isn't there or it's full, PM me on this account and we can work something out.

2. Only 25 stories per genre will be accepted.

3. Add this story to a public reading list and follow this account.

4. When I release your judges' names, you must follow your judge (with all following requirements, you may unfollow when the awards are over).

5. No bribing the judges.

6. No mean or rude comments. They will be deleted and you will be disqualified.

7. You may enter a total of three stories (must be your own), but they cannot be in the same genre.

8. No stories with more than 50k reads. And yes, this means you cannot enter if you have 51,000. However, if you reach 50k reads AFTER your entry has been accepted, I will allow it.

9. You must have at least. 5 CHAPTERS published. This does not include author's notes, prologues, introductions, etc. (exceptions may be made for prologues).

10. Your favorite color + your favorite actor = password (this is so I know you read the rules).

11. HAVE FUN. Remember, this is just for fun and an opportunity to get your work noticed! If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong :P

The Lit Awards 2017 - OPENWhere stories live. Discover now