"I'm not feeling too hot. I think I'll just head back to the room. You guys have fun" she insists. I look at her worriedly but she's quick to turn on her heels and walk away. I watch her go and my heart sinks.

This wasn't working. The last thing I wanted to do was push her away. "Josh" Lucas laughs. "Are you coming man?" he asks lightly. I look into the limo and see all my friends before looking back out and seeing Maya's figure in the distance. I sigh, shaking my head.

"I gotta go take care of something."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Riley asks worriedly.

I nod as I step back. Even if we were ending this sham of a marriage I missed having Maya in my life and now that I had her back I wasn't willing to lose her. Not again.

"I'm sure" I nod. "Have fun" I smile as I shut the door and head off towards the hotel.

~ 🎲 ~

Josh was right. I was getting so riled up even though he had already agreed to let what happened stay between us and end it as soon as we got home. I make it back to the hotel and collapse onto my mattress, playing with my wedding band. An annulment. It would solve all our problems. Except it wouldn't because I knew I still had feelings for him and they wouldn't go away just because our quickie marriage was over.

I lie back on the bed and my eyes flutter shut as I think back to the day Josh proposed to me (kinda).

"School sucks" I complain as I collapse onto our bed. Josh is sitting up, working on homework beside me.

"No arguments here gorgeous" he chuckles as he leans down to peck my lips. "I missed you today" he adds sweetly making my heart flutter.

"Not nearly as much as I missed you" I reply making him chuckle.

"It's official. We suck at being away from each other" he says seriously. I nod in agreement as a giggle falls from my lips.

"What gave it away? The thousand texts we exchanged today or the Facetiming during lunch?"

"Both" he smiles as he leans down for another lingering kiss. "I don't ever want to be apart from you" he murmurs against my lips. My heart skips a beat as I pull back and stare into his frozen blue eyes.

"Is that a proposal?" I ask softly. He smiles, caressing my cheek.

"I guess so" he whispers. "Be mine forever Maya. I can't imagine not having you in my life." Tears well in my eyes as I nod.

"Yes" I whisper, leaning back up to kiss him.

I don't realize it but the memory has caused me to tear up. I sit up and quickly wipe away my tears. I had a boyfriend yet here I was entertaining the idea of staying married to my ex. A faint knock interrupts my thoughts and I climb off the bed, going to open the door. I pull it open and my breath hitches when I see Josh.

~ 🎲 ~

She's been crying. Shit. Did I cause that? I used to be the guy who made a smile light up her face or a laugh fill the room. Now I was the guy who made her cry in her hotel room.

"I'm sorry" I say softly. I think she's going to slam the door in my face so imagine my surprise when she steps forward and hugs me. I'm quick to respond, wrapping my arms around her small frame and resting my chin on top of her head. "I shouldn't have picked a fight with you."

"You were right" she says softly, burying her face in my chest. "My head is so jumbled up right now" she groans.

"Why? Talk to me Maya. We used to be friends even before we hooked up" I remind her. She takes a step back from me and gnaws her bottom lip. I wish she'd stop doing that. Hell she probably would if I told her that it made me want to busy her lips with other tasks.

"I have been with Nick for a long time" she says as she begins pacing the room. "Like a really long time."

"Longer than us?" I smirk, before realizing I just promised to stop this behavior. "Sorry. Go on" I insist. She sighs, shaking her head.

"Obviously not longer than us" she rolls her eyes. "But long enough that he wants to get married." I nod my head, I remember this from last night. "I don't know" she shrugs. "He's nice and sweet but" she trails off.

"But what?" I ask softly.

She looks up at me and an involuntary smile pulls at her lips. "But one weekend with you and I'm reminded that love is supposed to be fun and spontaneous" she admits. "I forgot what it felt like to be with someone who always makes you feel adventurous and wild."

"Maya we aren't kids anymore" I shake my head. "I'm glad that I was able to help you let loose a little for old times sake but-."

"I wasn't done" she shakes her head. "I forgot that while you and I can be crazy and have fun together, that we can also have these moments" she says softly. "The ones where we talk. Really talk. About anything and everything. "

"What are you saying?" I ask, my head now jumbled up and confused.

"I'm saying that I'm confused. I know Nick is the safe option and the moral one" she adds, "but we were happy once. We were engaged. I thought you were my happily ever after. That means something to me. As much as I've insisted that it doesn't."

"So what do you wanna do?" I ask softly as I step towards her slowly. I felt like she was a wild animal, one quick move and she would bolt.

"I don't know" she admits in defeat.

~ 🎲 ~

He takes another step towards me and my heart rate increases that much more. I wanted this, I wanted him and it scared me to death.

"Take a breath Maya" he chuckles, caressing my cheek.

"I can't" I admit. He smiles, closing the small distance between us.

"Are you always this in edge? Your blood pressure must be pretty high" he teases making me chuckle as I let some of the tension in my shoulders dissipate.

"You make me nervous" I whisper.

He shakes his head, rubbing his thumb over my cheek. "Why? Baby I'd never hurt you."

"I know" I nod. "Why aren't you nervous? I left you Josh. I'm just like my-." He places his hand over my mouth to shush me.

"Don't" he says sternly. "You aren't like him. We didn't have kids and I wasn't your husband."

"You wanted to be" I murmur against his hand. He smiles as he moves his hand.

"I am" he smirks making my heart skip a beat. "For now anyway" he adds softly. "But don't you ever compare yourself to that man. He was a sorry excuse for a father and a husband." Kermit was always a sore spot for Josh. My insecurities stemmed from him leaving me and Josh hated that. He never wanted me to feel like I wasn't good enough.

"Sorry" I apologize.

"Enough apologies" he says. "You feel any better having talked some of that out" he asks hopefully.

"I feel like my head is spinning" I admit. "I wish this wasn't so complicated."

"Baby we've always been complicated" he chuckles. "Embrace it."

I laugh, biting my lip. "I should embrace it huh?"

"Sooner or later" he shrugs making me giggle. I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Okay" I give. "But you know once we leave Vegas we're gonna have to figure this out."

"Stop thinking so much" he groans. "Live in the moment."

I laugh, smiling up at him. "Fine" I give before reaching up and pressing my lips to his.

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