Chapter 5

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Beach Party

I'm lying on a soft bed. I scooted towards the pillow and buried my face in there. It smelled like fabric soap and a boy. A boy.

I jerked up, making my head ache. I quickly looked around. I'm in a small room and I'm on bedㅡnot mineㅡa wide bed covered with dark blue sheets. There's a stove and microwave in front of me, a sink, a small fridge and huge backpacks including mine. It's cold. And I'm moving. The room was moving. I panicked.

And then my eyes caught the front view. Someone is driving. I'm in a van. I looked around again. RV van. Am I getting kidnapped? I laid on bed again to pretend I was still sleeping while I thought of what to do.

Okay, Hyunjoo, breathe.
I'm not tied. My backpack is there. My phone is... beside me on the bed.

Then why am I here?

The van stopped. That's my cue. I should run even without my backpackㅡbut it contains a lot of my things. And I don't know where I am. I've watched enough horror movies to know that when the victim runs away from the car, it just gets worse and increases the chances of getting killed.

The van's door in front opens. "Dude!" a familiar voice exclaimed.

"Ssshh," the driver hushed him down. "Be quiet."

"What? Why?"

"Someone's in the back."

Wait, wait, waitㅡthese are familiar voices.

"Did you kidnap someone?"

"No, dummy! She fainted. I just don't know what to do with her."

"Jeezㅡdude, drive her home!"

"Seems like she ran away."

"What! Why?"

"Huge backpack."

"Who is she?"


"Hyunjoo? Jo Hyunjoo? From High school? Yourㅡ"

But before he finished, the driver hushed him again. "Shut up. She might wake up."

"What are you gonna do if she wakes up?"

"Ask her what she's gonna do."

"You didn't even bring her to the hospital?"

"I figured she fainted because of summer heat. It seems like she's been walking for long, or out all day long. I found her in the other town."



"Well, she might run off while we're at the party."

The driver sighed. "I guess so. It's up to her. But we're going to be thirty minutes away from our hometown."

Thirty minutes? That's by van. If I walk, how long would it take?

I covered myself in the blanket and thought about where I heard those voices and why they're familiar. When I focused, it wasn't hard to figure out.

The unique voice of Hyojong, and the mellow voice of Hongseok. A senior who graduated before us, and my senior high school classmate.

I shouldn't have ran away.


When we were in high school, I thought Hyojong and Hongseok were two of the coolest kids in school. I mean, they were. But hearing them talk to each other right now makes me think how different they were in school.

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