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Dawn shivered as she quickened her pace. It was late afternoon and she was walking towards  her dorm room. Now she understood why she hated winter. Her fingers were frozen and the cold wind blew her face frozen. No amount of clothing seemed to be able to  protect her from the harsh oncoming wind. To make matters worse, she was carrying a really heavy bag. Who knew books could be that heavy?

She pulled her coat down hoping it would add a little warmth to her freezing body. One more month she told herself. One more month before winter is gone. Winter would be gone and so would be the  school days. She was coming from writing her last exam for the semester.

The university was closing and she was more than happy. It had been a tough year for her. Holidays would mean some time for her to have fun. Well, everyone told her she was no fun but who cared, as long as she wasn't going to school.  Dawn lightened up when she finally got to her dormitory. After a few turns she finally got to her room. Ashley, her roommate was watching yet another new workout. Dawn put her bag down and laid on the bed as she sighed.

"You done?" Ashley asked. Dawn knew she was talking about school.

"Yep now I can finally watch that movie I got during the exams."

Ashley and Dawn were in their first year at Meadows University and they couldn't wait until they would  finish. It wasn't as fun as they had initially thought. It was lots of work, way too much work.

"No no no. You promised to walk with me. It's high time you got up from that laptop and exercise a little bit. Dress up we're leaving."

Dawn didn't like anything that included moving her body. The only time she left her bed was to go to class or to church. Who needs such torture in their life anyway Dawn told herself. Eating in bed with a movie or a book sounded more appealing but not appealing enough to her athletic friend. She had been pestering her to go running with her in the mornings but she'd subtly denied. Ashley was persistent so she suggested walking. Dawn had promised to go once she was done with exams.

"Why do we have to walk. I mean we stay on campus there's not much to see and it's so cold." Dawn complained.

"That's not the point. The point is to exercise. Get your blood moving. Be healthy. Come on let's go."

Dawn grunted but opened her closet to look for more appropriate clothes. Her phone gave a ting signalling a new notification. Dawn couldn't believe her eyes when she opened it.

Hey Dawn. We at Marine Enterprises would like to congratulate you. You just won an all expenses paid trip to Tortuguero Village in Costa Rica. Thanks for entering. Call the attached number for details.


Hey lovely people. Hope you liked the prologue.  Don't be a stranger.

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