Bonding Time

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Chapter 14


Amaya's POV 

I woke up in the infirmary inside the Fairy Tail guild seeing Gray there holding my hand. He felt me move slightly before looking up and helping me sit up. 

"Hiro is right now talking with Matt and Nathan to the guild." He said. 

"Why aren't you with them?" I asked him. 

"I listened to more news then I could take." He said. 

"What else did the guys tell you?" I asked. 

"About the incident that happened a few weeks ago." He said and made one of his hands as a fist. 

"I'm fine now." I said and grabbed his hand that was holding mine with both of my own hands. 

"Please Ams. I know when your hurting and looking into your eyes right now say that your scared." He said and looked me into my eyes. I looked back into his which revealed how much he was pleading with me to show my emotions. Something just ended up clicking where all the trauma that I've experienced that he knows and ended up crying my eyes out. 

"I'm sorry." I said between cries. He lifted me up and set me onto his lap before cuddling me. I leaned onto his shoulder and kept on crying. 

"Baby shhhhhh. It's fine, let it all out. We'll find the guy." He said bringing back what he always called me when I was a toddler. 

"You won't be able to find him." I said between cries once more, "My team has been trying to find him but we haven't been able to find him, and let me tell you my team is one of the best." 

"Baby Ams, don't forget you don't piss off the Fairy Tail guild unless you want to be caught, it's another to hurt our little babies or else you'll be murdered." He said and I nodded my head before snuggling back into his neck. 


Hope you liked this chapter, sorry for the late update. 

See you soon Runners. 

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