Chapter Eight

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Jaebum was still showing Youngjae pictures from their trip when they heard a knock on the door. They looked over at the door as the nurse poked her head into the room. 

"You have some visitors." She said as she smiled at them.

"Thank you. You can send them in." Jaebum said as he smiled back.

She just nodded her head and opened the door wider to let the people in. Jaebum smiled wider when he noticed his mom and dad walk through the door. He then looked to Youngjae to watch the younger smile as he watched his parents and siblings walk through the door. Jaebum rolled himself towards his bed so Youngjae's family could talk to him. He smiled as he watched his parents walk over to him. 

"Hello mother and father." Jaebum said with a smile.

"How are you felling?" His mother asked as she bent down and hugged him.

"I'm okay. How are you guys?" Jaebum asked.

"We would be better if our only son wasn't in the hospital after a plane crash." His father said.

"I know. If I knew what was going to happen I wouldn't have us go on that plane." Jaebum said.

"Stop blaming yourself already!" Youngjae shouted from his bed. 

Everyone in the room laughed before making conversation with each other. Jaebum and Youngjae had a lot of fun catching up with their families. The fun time was ruined when they all had to leave. They said they would try and visit again sometime soon. The two sat in the room in silence before Jaebum rolled himself over to Youngjae's bed and pulled out his phone. 

"Do you want to finish looking at the pictures from the trip?" Jaebum asked searching for the spot they left off on.

"Yes please." Youngjae said as he waited for the pictures.

Jaebum laughed a little before he made sure Youngjae could see his phone screen and started to scroll through the pictures again. He got to the pictures of them at the Statue of Liberty and Youngjae stopped him. 

"I've always wanted to see the Statue of Liberty and now I can't even remember going." Youngjae said as he looked sadly at the photo. 

"You'll remember in time. I'm sure of it." Jaebum said as he patted Youngjae's leg.

"I know I just want to at least remember the trip now." Youngjae said as he smiled a little at Jaebum.

"I know and I'm going to help you remember it. That's why it was important for me to find these pictures. I was hoping one of them might bring back a memory." Jaebum said with a smile on his face.

"There's a buzzing in my head like I'm trying to remember it but the memory won't play." Youngjae said as he concentrated on the feeling.

"Don't push yourself to much okay." Jaebum said.

"I won't, I promise." Youngjae said as he smiled at Jaebum.

Jaebum smiled back at him before they started to look through the pictures again. They got about halfway through the pictures when they heard a knock again. It was the nurse again.

"Your friends are here again." She said as she opened the door to let them in.

"Hey guys!" Jackson said as he walked into the room.

"Hey." Jaebum said as he smiled at them.

"Do you remember anything yet Youngjae?" Yugyeom asked.

"Not yet. We were looking through the pictures of our trip and I felt a buzzing like I should remember something but I can't reach it just yet." Youngjae said.

"At least you know you're trying." BamBam said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah." Youngjae said as he smiled back.

"What should we do today guys?" Jackson asked looking to everyone.

"Well considering we can't go anywhere how about we play a game." Jinyoung said.

"What game?" Mark asked.

"I don't know." Jinyoung said with a small smile on his face.

They all just laughed before deciding on playing a card game. Youngjae opted to just team up with someone since he can't really use his arms. They ended up playing a game that had them all screaming at each other. A couple of nurses had to come in and tell them to be quiet. They all apologized and laughed when she left. They continued the game but stayed quieter this time. No one wanted to get in trouble again. They stopped when they noticed the time. 

"We should probably go get something to eat." Jinyoung said.

"We would love to go with but we can't leave exactly. I would say just bring us something but I don't know if they'll let you bring in food." Jaebum said.

"Well it never hurts to ask." Mark said as he stood up and walked out of the room.

They all waited for him to comeback. Hopefully with a good answer. After a couple of minutes Mark walked back into the room.

"And?" Jinyoung asked.

"They said we could." Mark said smiling at them.

"Yes!" Youngjae and Jaebum said at the same time.

"We'll go and get something from our favorite place and bring it back. It shouldn't take us long since we know what you two like already." Jinyoung said with a smile on his face.

"Sounds good. We'll be waiting here." Jaebum said. 

They all laughed at his response before they left the room. Jaebum and Youngjae sat in silence not knowing what to say. They were so excited to finally get food that wasn't horrible hospital food. After a couple of minutes Youngjae broke the silence.

"What do we do while we wait for them?" He asked looking at Jaebum.

"I don't know honestly." Jaebum said with a smile on his face as they both started to laugh.

They waited making small conversation with each other until the others came back. They would laugh every now and then at something they would say. Once they got bored Jaebum started to show Youngjae the pictures again. They were smiling and laughing at some of the photos before Youngjae stopped and stared at the wall.

"Youngjae what's wrong?" Jaebum asked with a worried look on his face.

He got no answer back as Youngjae just continued to stare at the wall. Jaebum started to get really worried and started to wave his hand in front of Youngjae's face. That didn't seem to break him out of his trace. All of a sudden Youngjae took a deep breath and just looked at Jaebum with a smile on his face. He also started to cry.


CLIFFHANGER! What Youngjae is so happy about that he's crying? You'll have to wait until the next update. Hope you enjoyed reading the chapter. If you did let me know what you liked. Thanks for reading! I love you all!~Luna

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