chapter eight

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There was something very, very wrong with Oliver.

That wasn't in a funny way either--there was something genuinely wrong with him. When it came to certain people, he lost all self-control. His nerves lit up like fire all throughout his body, his heart pounded in his chest, and his mouth dried up like a desert.

It had been a terrible night. Unsurprisingly, it all began with Celia.

At the peak of dawn, the phone in the hotel room had rung.

"Someone make it fucking stop," Holden groaned, eyes still shut.

Oliver had rolled over and groggily, with his face stuffed into his pillow, searched for the phone with his hand. When his hand met the device, he answered it and tiredly greeted the caller with, "Hello?"

It was the front desk. One man and one woman, claiming to be Mr. and Mrs. Laurent were at the front desk, wanting to be let up.

Oliver was thoroughly fucked.

He, suddenly much more awake, hastily told the caller to send his parents up. He sprang up, the sun barely breaking over the skyline, the watercolor sky painted in shades of red, pink and yellow. He grabbed a pillow and threw it at Holden, before hitting Celia over the head with another pillow. He kicked Nico--who was still on the ground--lightly with his foot, but didn't dare to touch Carson.

"Wake up," he urged, "I'm about to die, so you might wanna witness it."

"Shut the fuck up, Laurent," Holden murmured.

Oliver rolled his eyes. "My parents are on their way. Get the hell up."

"Wait," Celia asked, sheets pulled up and over her head, "why are they here?" Celia'd never had the greatest relationship with her parents.

"I crashed the fucking car? Remember that?"

"Oh. Right."

The room was still dark, but when a knock sounded on the door, Oliver froze. He jumped over Nico and opened the door, revealing a cheery Carson. Oliver's brow furrowed as he looked towards where Carson was last night and finding the place to be empty.

"Why are you awake?" he asked.

Carson shrugged, holding a cup of coffee. "I like mornings."

Oliver wrinkled his nose. "Gross."

Carson smiled and came in, and Oliver briefly recapped him on the events that were about to occur. "They're gonna be fucking pissed," he continued. "Not only did I crash their super expensive car, but they also had to drive like, two hours to get here." He winced. "Just expect the worst."

Celia was sitting up in her bed, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Nico was scrolling through his phone and Holden appeared to still be asleep. Carson rolled his eyes and walked over to the bed, shaking Holden back and forth.

"Fuck you all, let me sleep," he said. When Carson kept shaking him, he huffed and sat up, looking grumpy. "I will fucking punch you."

Carson grinned. Oliver melted a little. "Just get up," Carson ordered.

Another knock sounded on the door. Oliver's heart dropped. He doubted that it was someone other than his parents. He winced and went to open the door. As soon as he had unlocked it, it swung open and Oliver jumped back, preparing himself.

The first thing he heard was a yell. "Dominic Oliver Laurent!" his mother screamed. Her voice was loud enough to wake up the entire motel. Oliver's lungs constricted. "You fucking idiot." Oliver grimaced. "You're paying for that shit yourself. I don't care if you have to give me every penny you have, but those costs are coming out of your fucking wallet."

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