After a good nap and some cuddling with a few kisses, it was finally time to head down to the Great Hall. My stomach turned as we got closer, a bad feeling had made its way to me making me feel sick. I sat down besides Ron as Hermonie sat besides Harry. The drumstrang boys had sat with the Slytherins, no surprise there, but I would see Hermonie blush as she looked at their table.
Fluer from Beauxbatons was walking with a group of other girls before she paused to wave at me. The day they arrived Fluer was the first to say Hello to me, and made it very clear to the rest of the veelas that I was a friend. And even though I saw her very intimidating, she was very kind. Her headmaster on the other hand made it clear that because I have and I quote 'blood of snotty pigness royalty' she would not see me as her superior, which I completely understand. Who would want a 5'3 midget as their leader, that's like having an orange who had his own television show, be a president of a country or whatever. That would suck!

Draco walked towards his table but not before walking past me and ruffling my hair. I glared at him as he smirked and took a seat beside pansy, who was staring at me in disgust. I took a deep breathe and looked around the Gryffindor table, Aurora Parkinson was sitting beside Lavender Brown and Annabella. Rose Airhart, she played seeker on the Quidditch Team was beside her boyfriend Oliver Wood, team captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Fred and George were messing around with Seamus. I looked over to Ron and Hermonie arguing about something that I did not find audible. My head turned to look at my lover, his beautiful green eyes lighting up as he meets my gaze, his smile growing in a way that somehow makes my hands sweaty and my heart pound like a million times per second. "I love you" I say not being able to go a second without saying it to him. He grabs my hand from across the table and his cheeks showing a very light shade of pink. "I love you too" he says making my nerves settle for a moment, a moment that I will never get back after this year.

"And for our Hogwarts Champion, we have... Cedric Diggory!" Roars could be heard from the Hufflepuff table as Cedric stood up. I clapped sending him a smile and a thumbs up as he catches a glimpse of me. He returned the smile before walking towards the room where the champions were being held.
"And That is all-" The cup filled with red smoke again.  Sparks were flying out of it. Something didn't feel right. Fumble fore reached for the parchment that was flaming in red. He stared at it, with a long pause. I knew what it said but I was hoping he wouldn't say it. He cleared his throat and read out-
"Harry Potter."

"Ana, I promise you I didn't enter my name in there" Harry said grabbing my hand from across the table. Hermonie nudged him to get up and he slowly let go of my hand, my eyes never meeting his but instead concentrated on my lap. Everything went quiet for me. I didn't understand I knew he didn't put his name in there I was with him 24/7 there was no way-
"Ana Black!" Dumbledore yelled, panic running through my veins, my hands shaking my legs feeling wobbly. As I looked up. Harry was gone Amd everyone was staring at me Dumbledore had just read another name from the goblet. It was mine. Ron pushed me up and I slowly walked to the back room as everyone stared, no applause just confusion. Whispers of how much of an attention seeker I was burned my ears, tears threatening to fall at any moment.

"Ana? What are you doing here, I swear I didn't enter my name. I was with you the whole time!" Harry yelled, his hands on my arms, but I still didn't dare look up.

"Well as in the rule book, no official royal blood member is allowed to participate in the Tournament" Fudge said glaring "Better luck next time, Black" he sneered.
"I didn't put my name there!" I yelled at him once again. "Maybe you didn't, maybe you forced someone else to put it in there!" Fudge said by standing taller and closer to me attempting to intimidate me. Harry pulled me back, "Ana wouldn't do that!" Harry yelled in frustration, "We wouldn't do that!"
Dumbledore looked at Harry and then at me "Did you put your name in the Goblet of fire, Ana?"
I shook my head scared for Harry, for me, someone put our names on there for a reason.
"Harry?" Dumbledore asked looking at him. "No" Harry said vehemently.

"Iz not fair! They're kidz" Fleur said her hands around my shoulder.
"Sir it's not fair, Harry is a walking stick, he won't survive the competition" Victor said standing in front of me, causing Harry to look really offended by his comment.
"I'm sorry Mr. Potter, you're going to have to compete"
My heart broke at the sound of that. This wasn't fair, someone placed our names in there!
"Maybe someone's hoping Potter and Black  is going to die for it" Moody said taking me away from my thoughts. And as harsh and awful thing to say, it is possible but how do I say that without seeming crazy.

"Well it is done then, Viktor, Fleur, Cedric, and Harry will compete, Miss Black if you will please exit so I can explain the rules to our champions" Bagman said rather excitedly, like he was enjoying this change of plans.

"Listen I didn't put my name in there and neither did Harry" I said to the Gryffindors who had been waiting in the common room for me and Harry, but no one listened, no one cared, all that mattered to them was that someone from Gryffindor might win. Harry came in a few minutes after me and I couldn't get to him, everyone was talking to him not really listening to what he had to say not really caring that he wasn't in the mood to celebrate. I couldn't see Hermione or Ron so i slipped away into the dormitories hoping to see Hermione in our room.
There she was angrily writing in her journal "Congratulations" she said sarcastically.
"Hermione you know I didn't do it, you know Harry wouldn't do it, please you have to believe us" I said desperate for someone to please see how frighten I am.
Hermione finally looked up at me "bloody hell, you look like you're going to puke" she said handing getting out of bed and bring a trash can towards me.
"Who do you think did it" she asked and that small question made me feel relieved. "I don't know, I wish I knew, but Moody did say something that didn't sit right with me and I just I don't know, Hermione"
"Come lay with me" she said making space for me on her bed. "No one is going to hurt you or Harry, I promise" she said hugging me until I fell asleep.

It is the Coronavirus Madness. I am back, after 2 years I think, I am back.

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