Chapter One

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Lockwood looked up from his newspaper to see Lucy entering the kitchen, looking exhausted. This was not an unnatural occurrence at 35 Portland Row. Ever since Lucy rejoined Lockwood And Company, she had endured many sleepless nights before this moment. Lockwood and George have often spoke of what could be the cause in hushed tones, when Lucy was out of earshot. So far the only theory was that the area Lucy's old flat was located was vastly different from Portland Row, and that Lucy is just growing used to living with them again. But a month had passed, and Lucy still looked troubled and tired.
"No sleep again last night?" Lockwood asked gently. Lockwood already knew the answer, though he still thought it'd be best to ask.
"Nope" Lucy said shortly, "Anything in the news?"
Lockwood looked back down at the article he was reading before Lucy walked in. "Nothing important to us or any other agency, just articles on some of the parties going on in London."
Lucy nodded airily as she made to make herself breakfast. As Lockwood went to read his newspaper again, George walked in, his pyjama trousers hanging dangerously low on his hips.
"Morning." He said, in the usual gruff tone he had in the mornings. Both Lockwood and Lucy greeted him as he sat down opposite Lockwood and said: "Any cases for us today?"
"Just the usual; lurkers, shades, you know how it is." George nor Lucy were surprised by this; Fittes agency seemed to have all the interesting cases lately.
George then turned to Lucy, who was taking a seat at the table. "Still no sleep? We really should look into getting you some sleeping pills." Lucy didn't reply, only started to take long gulps of her tea.

It was 1am when Lockwood And Co. finally returned to Portland Row from their last case of the night; a harmless shade which took no longer than 20 minutes to subdue. As the trio bustled into the hallway, Lockwood turned to the other two. "Who's up for some cocoa and sandwhiches?" George, who never in his life turned down food, agreed happily, while Lucy tiredly mumbled "I'm going to try to get some sleep. Goodnight." Lockwood and George bid her goodnight on their quest to the kitchen, as Lucy sluggishly climbed the stairs.
"Why is she still getting no sleep?" George asked, while setting down the mugs of cocoa on the table. Lockwood sat in his usual seat, his normal expression replaced with concern.
"I have no idea." Said Lockwood, frowning, "What could be making her so restless?" George did not answer straight away, instead looking at the thinking cloth as if it might hold the answers. He suddenly sighed and said "I'll pick up some sleeping pills for her tomorrow. It's not worth taking her to the doctor's, especially after what happened last time."
Lockwood chuckled, recalling the memory. "I should be heading up to bed too. Busy day tomorrow, especially with all those Shades that need to be stopped." He bid George goodnight and then headed upstairs to his bedroom. He couldn't get into bed, however, as there was already someone sleeping in it.

Lucy was having the best sleep she'd had in weeks. She didn't know how, she just got into bed and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. The book and honey scented pillow. She was so disappointed and even angry when her good night's sleep was ripped away from her by none other than Anthony Lockwood. "Lucy? What are you doing?"
This confused Lucy. He's the one that has just come into her room, shouldn't she be the one asking that question? "Lucy, wake up."
Lucy opened her eyes to see Lockwood leaning over her, looking as confused as she felt. "Do you mind telling me why you're sleeping in my bed?"
Lucy began to take in her surroundings. She was indeed in Lockwood's room; she must have climbed on staircase too little in her drowsy state, leading her to end up in Lockwood's bed.
"I'm so sorry! I was so tired I thought that this was my room." Lucy got up so fast that she swayed on her feet for a moment before speed walking out of the room. Lockwood's reply was drowned by the sound of Lucy's footsteps on the second staircase leading to her room.
As Lockwood got into bed that night, he noticed that his pillow smelled different; of vanilla and coconut.

The next few days passed, with no more incidents. Lucy still had sleepless nights, but she wondered why the night she accidentally slept in Lockwood's bed was different. Did he have a more comfortable pillow? Was it because she felt safer? These kind of questions invaded Lucy's thoughts ever since that night, and it was a total of four days before she realised the cause of her first good night's sleep. It was Lockwood's scent.

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