"Thats enough" the teacher calls, i drop the sphere and walk over to the teacher, Everyone's gaze on me, "protection huh?" the teacher asks i nod and go back to my seat "that was AWESOME" Riko screams in my ear, Kagami sits down " not so loud yeah?" he says to her "but that was pretty cool, no ones ever gotten Akashi to growl" Kagami adds smiling 

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" i ask blank expressions, the group gasp,

"and so he speaks" Koganei says the team smile and laugh at his joke, i stare with a blank expression, i look down and see the group staring at me "who are they anyway" i ask Kagami

"ahh now your interested" Kagami teases 

"i want to know who keeps staring at me" i say 

"They're the Generation of miracles, they're know as prodigies, amazing people with fantastic abilities, But to me, they ain't nothing special" Kagami replies

"Not as special as.. him anyway" Riko says smiling, i tilted my head to the side to let them know i'm confused "you don't know about him?" She asks well she shouts, everyone looks "Quieten down" people start to gather round, i hate it, Riko giggles "you'll learn soon enough" she says, 

"so" i look at kagami "what makes them so special" i ask

"that's another thing you'll learn" Kagami says staring at where they were, "shit" he says, i glance over, they're gone

"that's not the only thing you'll learn" a voice from behind my says, i don't have time to react before i hit the floor

"Kuroko" people yell, i look up and meet maroon eyes, hes bending down to meet me, people are staring. This isn't how its meant to be, i'm a shadow i'm not meant to be seen, now all the attention is on me. "Be a good boy and stay on the floor yea?" He asks me, something in my head tells me not to speak, to just nod and agree but i can't, its not me, i'm already pretending to be someone i'm not "Go to hell" I spit not even thinking about what i say. The crowd, even the teacher gasps, he quickly pretends to not see this display of violence. Akashi stands and kicks me hard in the side, i roll onto my other side clenching where he kicked, trying NOT to scream in pain. No i'v had worse than this, been through worse than this. 

"Akashi stop" Kagami pleads, The red head glares at him "Do NOT tell me what to do peasant" i cough trying to regain the air that left ,e, "now want to try that again" he asks looking at me, i stare back "go. to HELL." I scream, emphasising the 'Hell'. What am i doing, i should stop but my pride, he stands grabbing scissors from his back pocket. Crap. i bring my hands together and close my eyes, creating a light bubble around me, no one can see it but its there, i hope. The sound of metal being thrown and bouncing onto the floor makes me open them, Akashi looks at the green haired boy he stares back. He turns to me, i drop the bubble "My orders are absolute, one way or another you WILL obey, i show no mercy on those who don't" he speaks in a low tone 

"I'm not a dog" i say back, he stands and walks out, the group follow him, Kagami runs to my side 

"You must have a death wish, no ones ever done that, Go against akashi and..." he stops, i stare at him awaiting and answer

"You sign your death certificate" says a random person in the ground. Death? I'm not scared of death. I'v faced it many times, i't doesn't phase me. I stand with Kagami's help. Not that i needed it. "Stick with us Kuroko" Teppei says, i nod, not that i wanted to, i just want them to leave me alone.

~time skip~

It was lunch and i was walking down the halls and i suddenly realize i can't breath, oh the blond one is hugging me, WAIT WHAT?!

"Can't.... breath" I say

"Sorry, sorry Kurokocchi" he says

"'-cchi'?" i ask confused looking at kagami who has a look on his face that can only be described as protective

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