Chapter 8

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That's how many messages I had from Isabelle and Carly when I got home that evening. At first, my heart seemed to drop at the sight of so many notifications, until I got the gist of what had happened.

Apparently, Ollie had finally asked Kirsty out on a cinema date for next Tuesday night, and she said yes. Which, of course, meant complete panic and utter chaos in the friendship group.

According to Carly, this was "The best thing to happen all year" and, according to Isabelle, the whole situation was "Even better than beans on toast."

I, on the other hand, was completely distracted. Of course, I couldn't be happier for Ollie, but at the same time my mind was somewhere else.

Jackson Holmes.

That name seemed to haunt me. He kept proving me wrong, with everything I thought about him. There was so much more beneath the surface of his 'cool guy' image, and I felt addicted to finding out more.

The past 2 days had felt like an adrenaline rush, and my head was still spinning. Why did he take so much interest in me? Why did he want to spend time with me? Why was he doing all this when he had a girlfriend?

I wanted to slap myself at my last thought, knowing full well that boys and girls hanging out together didn't have to mean anything. In most circumstances, it didn't.

But this felt different. I felt different. I didn't know whether I could be 'just friends' with J.

I mean, can you be 'just friends' with someone who makes you feel like a thousand butterflies are dancing in your stomach?

Either way, I didn't know how I felt. I didn't know whether I was attracted to him in that way. Sure, he was gorgeous, but I felt like there was a huge wall surrounding my feelings - blocking out any clarity or understanding of them.

The next few days went by a blur. To my dismay, school was off for the next two days due to reconstruction work on the main building. No one had told me this, but when I turned up to an empty carpark at 9am, I soon realised something was up.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed.

Groaning in slight frustration, I headed back home and put myself straight back to bed, spending the day watching films in my PJs. This is exactly how the next few days passed by, alongside the occasional meal and cup of tea.

The weather seemed to be getting colder by the minute; the November air nothing but chilling. Sometimes, I have to admit, I liked it. There was something cosy about snuggling up in bed at night, using the duvet to keep you warm and a pair of fluffy socks to potter around the house in. I found it relaxing.

But, when Monday morning arrived, I didn't even shudder at the sound of my alarm. Instead, I got ready fairly quickly and scurried downstairs for some quick breakfast before I had to leave for school.

"There's a spring in your step this morning" My mum stated questioningly as I switched on the toaster, "Any particular reason why?"

I smiled, shaking my head in denial, "Nope" I grinned, turning back to look at her, "Just looking forward to the week ahead."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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