Minutes Turn to Hours

108 14 3

Haley is standing in front of me. I try to reach her but  I can't move. I beg her to stay by me. She runs away from me, but runs towards something else. Someone else. Out of the dark corner reaches outstretched hands. Haley leaps into them as they hoist her up. She smiles as the full body comes to view. Moriarty. She clings to him tightly and he does the same. Behind his friendly, fatherly eyes, you could see satisfied evil within them. My eyes widen as I scream, "Haley!"


That's how I woke up last night. It's been almost a week since Haley was taken, without even a trace of where she is or could be. Heck, for all I know, she could be in America! It's killing me! As I ponder my hatred towards Morairty, my phone starts to ring with the Sesame Street theme song, "Sunny days, taking the clouds away..." 

Explanation: I have a three year old. 

I pick it up to stop the infernal song moreover to hear what Lestrade's got to say. 

"Sherlock, we found her! We found Haley!"

Who doesn't love a chapter that's short and sweet:) The excitement rises once again!

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