Chapter 2

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Hey guys!!This is part 2 of my story.
And that's really all I can think of to say so I guess I hope you enjoy!!
Oli's POV
When I asked Jenny to be my girlfriend my heart started to race but then she said yes and I pulled her in for a kiss and then we turned  around to see everyone looking at us and I said " mind your own business much?" We all started to laugh. I looked into Jenny's eyes and remembered what Joel had said to me when I told him I liked jenny. He reminded me to never hurt her. I could never hurt jenny. After everything she has been through she really just needs some love now.

Jenny's POV
It started to get really late so everyone went home and we all went to sleep and we met up again the next day. We went to the zoo and then yammy started vlogging and as she was walking with Kyle I was walking a few feet behind them with Oli and I heard yammy whisper to her vlog "they are so cute together." The Kyle agreed and we went all went to yammys house to hang out. Then yammy said "I am going to go upload this" and everyone said said ok. But I suddenly realized that me an Oli were in the backround of the video and I ran to yammy and begged her not to upload the video but she did anyway. And that night we were all hanging out at yammy's house and my phone buzzed. I checked it and I got a text from my ex boyfriend lance. It said "WHO WAS THAT GUY YOU WERE WITH IN THE VIDEO JENNY!!!YOU ARE DATING SOMEONE ELSE AREN'T YOU!!!YOU LITTLE SLUT!!! Oli looked at me asking who it was "just my friend" I said I couldn't tell them the truth. All of them were already worried about me I don't want to worry them even more.

===The Next day===

Jenny's POV
I woke up and checked my phone. I had gotten another text from lance. This one said " ANSWER ME YOU LITTLE WHORE!!! NOBODY WILL EVER CARE ABOUT YOU, YOU LITTLE S**T!!!!!" I just ignored it and went to get dressed I wore a black top with some blue skinny jeans and a white hoddie. I went downstairs and saw Joel on the couch with all of our friends even Oli. I looked at them and they looked at me with a worried expression.

Me:What are you all doing here?
Joel:I invited them.
Lizzie:We saw the texts.
Scott:The texts from lance.
Joel:Why didn't you tell me about this?
Me:I didn't want you to worry
Joel:Well were worried.
Joel held up the hoodie that I wore yesterday it was inside out and the arms had blood on them.
Oli:Take off your hoodie jenny.
Yammy:So we can see your arms.
I slowly took off the hoodie revealing hundreds of cuts on my arms.

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