Chapter 4

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As my eyes adjusted I made out a head if thick, curly brown locks and a pair of distinctive brown eyes that where glistening in the sunlight.


* * *

I panicked looking around in my bag for a tissue to clear my vison and reaveal who I knew was standing right infront of me, but before I could get to one the figue spoke.

''Here, this is what you where looking for right?'' I could just about make out a hand offering me a tissue so I took it and wipped my eyes. Yep, it was him, the guy from the music block. You know; the one with the amazing voice.

''Thanks.'' I mumbled back with no intention to be rude.

''May I?'' he gestured the empty space on the bench next to me and all my stuff; I nodded allowing him to sit down.

He looked around on the table at my sketch book that was open to some quick water colours I had done of the flowers around me at prevous lunchtimes. I just sat there like a carrot.

''Did you do these?'' he ask curiously, turning the page to look at my other sketches.

''Urm, yeah... do you like them?''

''Yeah! Their amazing, when did you learn to do this?'' now facing me and smiling with a hand above his head, shading his eyes from the blinding sun.

''Practice I guess...,'' my hand where fiddling with my hair now and I was looking down at my lunch that was melting in the heat. I should probably eat that.

''What's your name, by the way?'' feeling a little bit more out of my comfort zone saying this.

The boy laughed and rested his head on the palm of his right hand with his elbow on the table.

''The name's Bradley, Brad for short. Whats your name?''

''Bella, just Bella.''

''Well, Bella, nice meeting you ag--'' He was cut off by a group of boys calling out his name from a few meters away. One was taller than him with blonde hair swept away from his prominantly featured face and blue shining eyes. On his right stood a well tanned boy, who was quite muscular. He was wearing ripped skinny jeans and was trying to ballance on one foot while the other was plastered up in a cast. The smallest of the group was leaning his arm on the sholder of the blonde boy and ran his hand through his side swept and styled hair. He, also, was wearing ripped jeans that where matched with a burgundy tie dye tee folded at the sleeves.

The boy, who now had a name, perked up and swung round to face the boys. They must have been his friend of some sort. He ecknowlaged them with a wave and nod then turned back to me.

''Better be off, the boys are calling me.'' He said, chuckling a little.

''Sure,'' I smiled at the ground then at him, quinting as the suns' rays shot into my eyes'.

We sat there for a few seconds in silence just looking at eachother before he leaped up from the bench and jogged away toward the group of boys, turning to look back once or twice then getting a pat on the back from the tall blonde one and chatting whilst slowly walking away. After the current event, I was quite stunned and shot my hand in my bag to search for a mirror. I looked at my reflection and analysed: my makeup and mascara was in place, surprisingly, hair was decent with only a few stray hair flayling about but that could be sorted.

My cheese baguette had waited long enough for me to eat it so wrapping the wrapper around the bottom half and dug in.

Carelessly, I swung the rejected end piece of my baguette into a nearby bin and gathered my things, looking around the bench to check if I had everything, when a small leaflet caught my eye.  I went over to it, picking it up, and read what it said on the front. 'The battle of the bands! Friday the 14th 7pm - 9pm £5 a ticket, first come first serve!' Thats the day we brake up for the holidays. It was covered in pictures of musical instruments such as guitars, a drum set and various other brass instruments. Then I saw some more writing at the bottom... I squinted my eyes and brung the leaflet closer to read what it said.

'The Vamps, listen out for me. See you there. Brad ;)'

This, of course, made me smile like a freak, as I put it in my bag and walked off to my next lesson.

*3 days later at 9:30pm*



That was my phone for the 5th time. Cecilia, a friend from back at home, and I where talking about this detective show called 'Sherlock' where the master of deduction, Sherlock Holmes, and his, former army doctor who served in the British army in Afghanistan, side kick, John Watson, solve crimes in London. We where ranting on about how we have to wait two years untill the next series comes out and how the last episode was such a massive cliff hanger and 'HOW COULD THEY DO THIS TO US!!!'. My duvet was wrapped around me all the way over my sholders with my laptop perched on my lap and my phone next to it. I had turned the lights out and the my laptop was the only thing illuminating the room; well my face. It was particularly chilly today, trust english weather to go from blindingly sunny and exceptionally warm to the perfect temperature for a penguin! 

''So have you met anyone yet?'' Cecilia typed; interested about my life away from home.

''Ahaha, nope not yet. But there's this boy...'' I replied hesitant as to not say too much.

''Ohh yes, do go on. Who's this boy ;)'' She teased.

''Its nothing, but I was strolling around the school and I came cross this block full of practice rooms, you know, like for music, and this boy was singing in one of the rooms. Oh Cecelia, he had the most AMAZING voice!''

''OOO! Did you see his face?!''

I told her about how he caught me listening to him sing and how he had the most adorable baby face. She simply replied with:

''OMG Bella! You have to send me a picture of him!''

This made me burst out laughing; that was such a Cecilia thing to say. Then I continued to tell her about a few lunchtimes ago when he left me that leaflet and she got all excited and started talking about if he was in a band and how she should '' TOTALLY come down for the music concert!'' and that she could ''hook up with one of his friends!''. She's alway so enthusiastic about boys. It's probably because she was always the 'pretty' one out of us two. She had long blonde hair that cascaded down her back to just about touch her bum. She had a perfectly slim body with a tan that could fool anyone into thinking she had been on holiday the previous week and always had the confidence to aproach boys, compared to me. I was more on the shy side and nothing was going to change that, but that was ok. I liked not being in the limelight, it suited me better anyway. My mum always wondered why I was friends with her, not in a bad way, just because we where so different; I often asked myself that question. I checked my phone for the time, it was now half 10 and time to go to bed; I could feel my eyes sagging with tiredness. It wasnt long before I drifted off to sleep.

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