"Kitty," I said softly but when I got closer it began to run away. I watched as it ran to the play set on the playground and go into the little space underneath. I followed slowly until I realized the kitten wasn't the only one inside.

A little boy was sat with crossed legs in the corner, petting the tiny kitten as it purred and rubbed itself against the boy contently.

"Is that your kitten?" I asked, bringing his attention to me but he only shook his head without looking up at me.

"Do you know whose it is?" I continued, feeling awkward by the overly quiet boy. He paid no attention to me as I was bent down observing the kitten. I wanted to take it home to my mom if it was just wandering around. It wasn't an option for me to just leave it when it only looked about a month old.

He shook his head again and I began to wonder if he was okay. Maybe he was just shy but why was he just sitting under here? Finally, he glanced up at me quickly and in that time I noticed his dark eyes were red and glossed over and I knew something was wrong.

Then I followed down to his hand where he held a tissue littered with red spots.

"Are you okay?" I questioned quietly in concern, hesitant to come in the little area.

"Yeah," he finally spoke but his tone was weak and hushed. He tightened his hold on the tissue in his hand, realizing it was in view.

I eyed him wearily for another second and debated in my head. I didn't want to leave him here when something clearly was wrong but I also didn't want to intrude.

"What's your name?" I decided to ask. If there was any way I could help then I would try my best.

"Dylan," he responded quietly.

I observed his flushed spotted cheeks and his pink lips that were set in a straight line. He ran a hand through his short hair, really short hair. He wore a black t-shirt and dark denim jeans that were dusty from the dirt and mulch he sat on. He wasn't an ugly kid but he also wasn't the best looking kid I'd seen. I blamed my big crush on Lincoln Ross at the time. I remember wanting everyone to look like him.

The kitten came to me and rubbed against me and I smiled down at it. A small meow spewed out and I wanted so badly to take it home and take care of it. I didn't know how mom would feel but surely she would understand my concerns about it.

"I'm Lydia," I told him even though he didn't ask. "How old are you?"'

"Thirteen." His stare was shy and he kept glancing away from me. "What about you?"

"I'm twelve. My birthday is in August though, so I'll be thirteen before I know it."

He gave me a weak smile that didn't stay for long and a sniffle came from him. I frowned slightly, an idea coming to mind.

"Do you live close?"

He nodded. "I live a few blocks away."

"I live just down the road," I stated. "Do you like popsicles?"

The question was random and even then he didn't look at me like it was. He slightly chuckled before replying, "I do."

Friends With Benefits | Dylan O'brien Where stories live. Discover now