The Funeral

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The Funeral

Its a sad day when a vampire dies. Vampires being immortal, means that they should live forever and won't die of disease or old age. The only possible cause of a Vampires passing, is murder. Elisabath stood up onto the podium and began her speech "Hello everyone. My name is Elisabath Tussand. I Only met little Midnight for a day before her death, but that day was enough. She was a intellgent young woman and the kindest heart. Vampires living forever means that she still lives on. Thankyou" And with that a few more people made a speech about Midnight and then they buried her. Eliza and Kathy threw a rose into the coffin. Kathy felt like she should throw herself in there to, she felt she couldn't live without her daughter. But she knew that's not what Midnight would have wanted for her mother, and with that they left, and headed back for the house. They sat silently in the living room for a while. With Kathy's family all in the reality realm (The mark means that she is the only immortal in the family) Midnight was the only family that she had, but now she had passed on Eliza was the closest of her friends. They sat in the living room, the fire was lit  but it was still cold, and they did a prayer in her memory. They sat on the sofa for a while longer, until they drifted into a night sleep. For Kathy it was the best sleep she'd had for a long time. She finally knew her daughter was at rest.

Kathy awoke to a loud tapping at the window. She looked out the stained glass but couldn't clearly see any faces. She opened the door and standng before her was the hunter. She stayed calm, as not to let her fear and sadness cause a emotional block on her spells. She cast a invisiblity enchantment upon  herself and stealthly crawled across the floor. She crept up to Eliza, before the hunter could find her and whispered something to her: "Eliza the hunter is here. I Want you to stay calm and be dead silent ok? Now when i say GO! You jump up and move your arms like your casting a spell. I Will stand infront of you, and cast the spell for real. But it looks like YOUR doing it. And he will run off in fear. Got it?" Eliza thought the plan out in her head, processing each detail and if it could infact work. "OK Let's do it" (Remember that Kathy is indeed visible here so it would work, and look pretty deceivingly real) The hunter walked about the room in the least silent way possible. His boots stomped about the room, the whole of the guest house could probably hear him. As he got closer to the sofa he could sense that Eliza was near. He pulled out a dagger, but instead of it's tip having a blue dye on, it had red. He was about to kill her, unless she did something about it. "GO" Kathy yelled and then Eliza jumped up and swung her arms, Kathy cast her violent spells and aimed them at the Hunter causing him to disappear into the air. "YES! We did it!" Elisabath cheered. But they both knew it wouldn't be long till he came back.

In the early hours of the morning they heard sudden cheers from one half of the city, and from another cries of anger being yelled. Kathy and Eliza looked at each other and ran outside to see what all the chaos was about. Walking down the street was a brunette little girl in a pink and yellow dress the beautiful headband across her  forehead was slightly covered by her stunning curls in her hand was a rose. It represents change and new life. "It must be the new princess..." Kathy said. Elisabath looked confused. How could there be a NEW princess? She obviously hasn't just been born. She looked about 1000. "Oh yeah! In your realm there born into the Royal Family.  But that's just stupid and unfair. Around here we do voting. So the winners this weird princess Annabelle" Annabelle didn't seem do have any supernatural abilitys to show. "What's her powers then?" Elisabath asked , rather puzzled to say the least. "Nobody knows really. She's mixed species" Kathy explained. Eliza thought very carefully. This new princess resembled Midnight very much. Her pale skin suggested that she was a vampire. Her headband had a small gem in the middle that you couldn't stop staring at, which led her do beleive she was a sorceress. But  her eye's were blue as a Sapphires and her back had a slight curve to it, which made her reconsider. Maybe she was a guardian Angel? Nobody really knew about this new princess or even who she was, but most of the crowd loved her. But Eliza was determined to find out who she was! No matter what the cost, and no matter what she turns out to be.

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