"I'll keep that in mind." The two then disconnected.

After putting his binocucom away, Sly began his mission. He leaped over a small section of ice, being careful not to step on it before approaching the first bear. He stood there for a long moment, until the bear started yawning, quickly reaching in and grabbing the transmitter. The raccoon grinned proudly, but he still had five more to go, stuffing the first in his pouch. The second was rather simple, hopping over a small section of ice and over to the next bear as he grabbed that device. The third was a little bit easier since there wasn't much ice around this bear, grabbing this transmitter without a problem. The next one, however, was a bit trickier. Sly hopped onto the small points of some stalagmites to bypass the ice, but this bear was facing away from him. Well, this is just ducky... It was then Sly noticed a sheet of ice on the wall above, smirking a bit. He quickly changed his cane into two smaller ones before making his way up the ice, trying to be as careful as possible. When he reached the end of the ice, the raccoon leapt down, grabbing this transmitter once the bear yawned and adding it to the rest. He then made his way back up the ice. However, just as he hopped down, his foot slipped in a small puddle of melted ice, and he started falling backwards with no way of stopping himself. Suddenly though, he felt something, or someone, grab onto his shirt collar. Taken aback, the ringtail glanced over only to see his lovely fox had saved the day.

"You clumsy oaf..." She scolded, pulling him back up as Sly gave a soft sigh in relief.

"Am I glad you're here... Thanks for that, Rae."

"I couldn't trust that you wouldn't screw this up, especially since you're not really the subtle type sometimes..."

"I'm a thief, subtle is kinda my job."

"That didn't look subtle to me."

"I slipped, sue me."

Rae just rolled her eyes, but flashed a smirk. "You may be a giant idiot and a teasing jerk, but at least your my raccoon."

"And there's the hot and cold attitude again."

"I have a tendacy to do that, sue me." She retaliated.

"I can't, because, honey, you're priceless." He winked, the fox smirking again.

"Heh... Alright, fine, I'll take that." She replied. "But in any case, how far did you get before almost screwing yourself over?"


"So two more then?"

"As far as I know."

"Then why don't you stand there and look pretty while I show you how it's done."

"Well then by all means, be my guest." The raccoon gestured sarcastically, but smirked regardless.

Rae tossed her hair off her shoulder as she turned, easily passing the scattered sections of ice. Once the bear gave a yawn, she reached in and grabbed the transmitter, tossing it over to Sly. "One down, one to go." She said, approaching another ice wall.

Rae switched her cane into two smaller ones before beginning her ascent on the ice wall, Sly following after as the observer. He watched as the fox climbed across the ice wall, gracefully landing once on the other side as she sent him a smirk. When the final bear gave a big yawn, she easily snatched the transmitter up, tossing it in her hand with the other placed on her hip.

"And that, Ringtail, is how it's done. Take notes." She winked this time, Sly sarcastically clapping his hands.

"Nicely done, now toss it over."

"Hmm... How about no."

"I'm sorry, but what was that now?" Sly questioned.

"You heard me, I said "no." Instead, why don't you bring your sweet ass over here and take it from me."

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