Chapter Four

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            I blinked slightly and couldn't help but stare at the King in confusion. I tilted my head a bit and opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. The King held his hand up, signaling for me to stay silent as he continued to speak.

"I can tell that you're shocked but hear me out, Kakarot. Bardock is actually your mother and he's also Raditz's mother. He left your father shortly after you were born and went into hiding because your father wasn't the nicest guy in the world. He actually isn't one to mess with which is why Bardock probably kept this from you all along. After he disappeared, I never heard from him again. The two of us grew up together and we were really good friends. Once I took the throne from my father, I made Bardock my top guard and he proved to be very trustworthy but then...everything started going south from there." The King paused for a minute and sighed, almost as if he were trying to forget a bad memory. I took the opportunity to ask him a question that had been bugging me for a few minutes.

"I-if what you said is true then...who is my father...?" I asked softly.

"Your father... His name is Turles... He's an insane space pirate who pretty much forced your father into a relationship with him. I couldn't do anything at the time but I wish I had tried to do something. I didn't know it would turn out as bad as it did but ever since your mother disappeared, I've been worried every single day. Now please, take us to him so we can see about helping him out..." The King muttered softly. I hesitated for a minute before glancing toward the bar where Raditz was finishing up with his final customer of the night. I bit my lip before slowly turning back to the King and Vegeta.

"Let me talk to my older brother first. He deserves to know all of this." I said softly and the King just nodded understandingly.

"Of course. It's only fair that he knows what's going on anyways and he probably needs to know what happened to you as well." The King responded.

Once Raditz was finished with his final customer, he was called over to the table where I was still sitting with Vegeta and his father. He looked slightly dumbfounded but slowly took a seat when it was offered to him. Before he could even ask what had happened to me, the King began explaining everything that we had discussed before my brother came over here.

After everything had been explained to him, his eyes fell on me. I could tell that he had fear and concern in his eyes. I could understand why he was so worried but our father...or mother needed our help and these people were willing to help him out.

"So...what do you think, Rad? Should we take them to him?" I asked softly and Raditz thought for a minute before slowly nodding.

"If they can help him out, then we should take them to him. He's getting really bad Kaka... At this rate, we might lose him before we save up the money for the medication." Raditz replied. Hearing that from him made my heart drop. I turned toward Vegeta and his father, giving them a slightly pleading look.

"Please help him...We don't want to lose him..." I said quietly, trying to fight back the tears that were daring to escape my eyes.

"Let's get going then. We'll follow you to your house but then we'll have to take you all to the Palace so Bardock can receive proper treatment. You, your son, and your brother are all welcome to stay there while he's recovering and I will personally keep an eye on him to make sure everything goes smoothly." The King smiled softly and I just nodded before slowly standing up. The sharp pain in my head quickly returned the moment I had gotten to my feet. I would have surely fallen if Vegeta hadn't suddenly thrown his arms around my waist, helping me regain my balance. I blushed madly and heard a slight chuckle from Raditz. He was going to end up punched for that one later.

I Never Dreamed (VegetaxGoku)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz