1 ・ dylan o'brien

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now or never

word count: 11,502

"Two households, both alike in dignity.
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene.
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean."

"You know, Cody. This is one of the many reasons why you and I will never, ever be together!" Y/N spat, her words rolled in venom. Her eyebrows scrunched angrily causing Cody to just laugh.

What Y/N often called a sorry excuse for a man smirked. "Sure thing, princess. You'll be back." He waved her off, walking somewhere else in the diner. She watched him walk off and plop down in a seat with multiple girls surrounding him, pining over him. He sure did seem to be enjoying himself. The cocky look planted on his scruffy face, only made her angrier.

She couldn't have cared less about the girls he was dating, or who he was with because she didn't love Cody. She didn't even care about the 'rule' of their gang. The leaders of Omega were supposed to be a boy and girl and they were also meant to be together, but being with Cody just made her insides twist and not in a good way. For one, he was extremely cocky, obnoxious, and just plain terrible. How she ended up in this gang alongside him would forever be a mystery to her.

Turning on her heel, she spun to walk back over to her strawberry blonde friend, Holland, and sat in the seat next to her. "This is why I consider leaving, Holl. You're the only one keeping me here at this point." She huffed, arms crossing over her chest and leaning back against the chair with her legs crossed in a ladylike fashion.

Holland sighed. "Y/N, you know how he is, he'll apologize and grovel at your feet for forgiveness, just let him cool off."

"No, Holl! I don't want to be with him, I don't see why that's everyone's biggest concern." She pulled a tube of lipstick out of her black high waisted pants along with a compact. Whenever Y/N was frustrated or angry, she reapplied her lipstick and lately that was something she'd been doing a lot around Cody. Looking into the mirror, she ran the red stick over her bottom lip and then her top lip, rolling her lips and smoothing out the freshly applied makeup.

"You know what I want, Holland. I don't want to be with him, I want to be me."

Holland set her palm over her best friend's hand comfortingly as she smiled softly. "I know and when you figure out whatever that is, I will be here to support you." She pulled away and grabbed a five dollar bill from her purse.

"Go get us a couple milkshakes. And I will go choose some new music." She handed her the money. Y/N nodded and they both stood up from their seats. Holland going towards the jukebox.

"Strawberry, right?"

"You know it!" Holland winked. Y/N giggled and turned around, her own body colliding with another. She immediately squeezed her eyes shut, ready for the impact, but before she could fall on her butt, a pair of arms caught her. Her eyes slowly fluttered open to be met with a pair of whiskey eyes that she could only ever imagine seeing in her dreams. She looked at the rest of his face. The brown hair on his head slicked back nicely, but she wondered what it would like if it was just a little messy or unstyled. His pink lips slightly parted. Moles and beauty marks scattered around his face, long eyelashes hitting his high cheekbones every time he blinked, but it was almost as if he stopped blinking.

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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