Break Me

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You found me...
The one that fades into the crowd.

You found me...
That emotional serge which radiates from within my soul.

Took a magnetic hold, on the one that the stories told...
You are the predator which zeroes in on its weakening prey,
A desperation to have control runs through your veins,
To which I was there to help you satisfy that pain.

You found me...
Manipulations treasure-trove.

You found me...
A discovery to which you finally get to prevail.

The one you must finish breaking,
The one that will bow their head and take to their knees.
For their past haunts them in their dreams,
Where silent screams numb them to what's never believed.

You found me...
I will not fight, I will just trust what I see.

You found me...
But you will not break me, I will be your last dream.

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