The Runaway Girl

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I could hear faint rustling around the room, I had a really busy night last night. I don't plan on waking up just yet. I tried going back to sleep but now I'm hearing murmurs. I groan in frustration, I want to sleep some more and this unknown disturbance is not making me do so.

After a few minutes it got quiet, finally! I shift my position to face the girl I was with last night to cuddle but when I reach over I was greeted with air.

I open my eyes just to see that she's gone.

Now, now, I'm usually the one who makes the escape so its kind of refreshing to be the one to experience it. I scratch the back of my head as I sat up and stretch my arms over my head.

Her lost, I was about to give her another morning snack. No need to dwell on it too much, it's not like this is my first time bring girls home. Not to brag but my bed is always filled with a different lady each night.

I stand up and head to the shower, after that I open the fridge and grab something to bite. My phone vibrated indicated that I have a message. I unlock my phone and read a booty call message from one of lady friends.

I just don't believe in commitment just yet, right now I am contented on what I have. If I'm feeling like it I can ask one of my lady friends to come over, or if I can come over. We both know this is only for release no feelings involved which is pretty awesome actually. I don't want anyone to control my life. Being in a relationship is hard and a pain in the ass. I have friends who are happy to be in it, but most of them hates to be in one.

Why be miserable? I can get sex whenever I want anyways, who need a girlfriend when I can get that as easy as snapping my fingers.

I go back to my messy room to grab a shirt when I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my foot.

"Mother fucker..." I gritted through my teeth as I massage my foot. I saw a key chain in letter "K" and a car key attached to it.

I kneeled down to grab it "so the mystery girl is now lady K." I smirk at myself.


I'm walking as fast as I can, what's more eerie about it is I happen to know where to go. I know where the emergency exits and elevator is. I took a quick scan around me and the place seems familiar. I push the thought back to my head and focus on getting out of here.

When I arrived on the ground floor I suddenly remember that I don't have my car with me. Fucking hell! I tap my pockets and look inside my bag to check for my car key. I instantly turned white, I must have left it in his place.

I have no choice but to get a cab. I paid my fare and once I'm inside I'm greeted by the person I'm trying to avoid my step brother Paolo.

He was standing in front of the doorway, it's like he knows I'm coming home. He looked at his watch then back at me "do you know what time it is Young lady?"

I just stared at him, admiring his handsome face. He have a long hair that hungs over his ear. In good days its straight but when it's a bit windy it curls a little bit. Which is my favourite actually.

"well..." I started to trail off and close the door behind me "seeing as the sun is at its highest point I'm guessing six... In the morning." I tried to play if off dumb, hoping he'll find it funny and let me off the hook.

Paolo crossed his arms over to his chest and raised an eyebrow at me "I want the truth. You didn't come home last night. You didn't even answer your phone, where the hell were you?"

I release a sigh and gave in "I was just out with some friends. Drank a little too much so I decided to spend the night with... A friend." a well built one might I add. I might not remember what happened last night, but I can clearly remembered how his body looked like under the sheets.

"Kritchelle Anne Mercado, don't lie to me." Paolo demanded.

I roll my eyes and walk past him "I'm not!" I hate it when someone calls me in my full name. "I'm not a littke kid anymore, I'll be 18 next year you know that right?" I turn to look at him.

"18 or not, you're still my little sister." He lightly flicks my forehead, "And I'm in charge of watching over you." he smiles at me.

Stop it, making my heartbeat this much is unfair...

I went up to my room, ran a warm bath and decided to relax a little in the bathtub.

I still feel a little light headed, I must've drank a loy laat night. I have to stop getting myself into this kind of mess. Not only is it dangerous but it's very unbecoming of me.

I close my eyes to try to relax, and little by little I can feel myself drifting into sleep.



"Kritch!" I heard Ally, my best friend shout near my ear "I think you should dial down a bit. Your already on your fourth bottle." she gestured at the empty bottles in front of us.

I look at hear "Ally, listen, I need this right now. I just had a very... Veeery... Irritating talk with my mom and brother. So please can you be the friend I need right now?" I know she means well, it's just that Mom and I had fight and my brother took my mother's side.

Ally snatched the vodka bottle on my hand and replace it with water" Drink, you need to get the alcohol out of your system. " I drink the water she gave me, which gave my throat a little refreshment.

"Stay here, I'm going to get some more water." I nod at her while still trying to jam to the deafening music surrounding us. I feel a little nauseated so I ran to the bathroom and puke my brains out. It didn't help though because now I feel like my head is splitting. I exit the bathroom and my world just kept on spinning. I tried to walk straight but ended up bumping into someone.

"Sorry, wobblely legs." I reason, the guy turned around and snake his arms around my waist pulling me closer to his space "no problem gorgeous" he leaned forward and I could smell the alcohol in his breath which is making me remember the smell of puke.


I tug his arms away from me "I really need to go, sorry again." but he didn't let me go. His grip on my hips became tighter "what do you say, we go somewhere private and show me how sorry you really are?" he said in a sultry voice, but it just made me feel sick.

I shake my head no "I really need to go." I tugged his arm away more forcefully now but he seems to be enjoying it. That I'm fighting him. Shivers went down my spine and I just want to be out of here!

He forcefully cornered me into a wall, I try to cry for help but the music is burying my plea. He starts to touch my private parts and I feel even more sick in the stomach. I started crying and begging him to let me go but he keep on kissing my neck aggressively.

All of sudden he was off of me and I heard a thud, a broad back is standing infront me. I couldn't hear what he was saying but he sounded pissed and angry. My attacker is on the ground groaning and holding his lefr cheek with his hand. He spat something to the guy infront of me and scurry away.

The guy turn around to face me but before I could hear what he's saying I lost consciousness.




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