The gift of a friend

Start from the beginning

Yes mike

"Another girl!" The guys cried out "another girl!"

"Girl power" floss cheered

"Well hey after this we can all get ready for film night"

"Yes film night!" Floss and finn cheered

Two hours later

Everyone gathered in the living room

"Whoes turn is it tonight anyway?" Tyler asked

"Well it goes youngest to oldests girl girl boy girl girl" candi listed

"Okay... i get it so whoes turn was it last week" ryan quizzed

"Billies and tonis this week i get to choose" floss blurts out holding out the chosen DVD

"Wait floss its chloes birthday before yours" toni remembered

"You know its o.." chloe was cut of by Ryan

"Let chloe pick!" Ryan insisted

"Fine..." floss gave in everyone took their seat

"So what do you wanna watch chloe?" Candi asked there was loud screams exploding from the outside

"I dont want to go with you i want my daddy!!!" As they saw Mike and mai lee ran out all agreed

"New girl!..." everyone voted

"I think i found something to watch" ryan smirked all gathered round the window

"Guys we should be more respectful give her space. Obviously shes finding it hard right now." jody commands

"We all found it hard" floss dominated "noone gave us an easy first day"

"Jodys right; lets just give them space. it would make things easier for her and us without an audience. just let her adapt to the new surroundings" Tyler empathise

All agree to do film night the next night and head to their  rooms Tyler turns to jody

"You okay jodes?"

"Yeah it would just be nice to be respected the way you are around here" jody shrugged tyler turns her round to face him

"You are respected your the voice of everyone inside the house while i am the voice outside it" tyler assured with a cheeky wink

"Im gonna head to bed" jody smiled assuring him she was all good kissing his cheek goodnight "we all need to get as much as we can" she whispered in his ear before heading up to her room

Over an hour and a half and the new girl was still giving mike mai lee and the social worker an earful

"Thats it if i dont get my beauty sleep im gonna be very cranky!" Candi reacted quickly rushing down the stairs surprised to see floss the twins Ryan and finn all by the top of the steps

"This girl dont know when to quit!" Ryan growled

Ill shut her up floss said she grabs the tape and runs down the stairs to see mike and mai lee were in the office discussing what to do with the kid

Ill help you out... she walks over to the girl who had chained her self to the front door

Well thanks for making things easier for me the kids watched as floss taped the girls mouth shut

Your obviously not very clever then now your shutted up we can get some sleep

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Jodys voice errupted causing everyone to jump jody runs down to face floss "How could you think this is anyway to treat one of us?" Jody persicuted

falling in love with your best friend (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now