Chapter 7: He Killed our mother!! Joe is in danger!!

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Chapter 7: He killed our mother!! Joe is in danger!!


Should have this posted by the 30/08/2017.

Katelyn's POV:

We are all in the truck. I still do not trust Strasser and I cannot stop thinking about Henry.

The truck suddenly goes funny and Jill looks back at Joe.

"Please be careful," she says to the driver.

"Always worrying, huh?" Strasser asks her and I turn to glare at him. "Your mother was a worrier to. Always worrying about the gorilla's. It made her a lot of enemies. It led to tragedy."

I lean around my sister and snap. "Our mother was brave."

"So are you two my dears," he says but something does not feel right to me.

From where I am sat I glance down and notice some sort of glove on Strasser's hand. It looks like he is missing his thumb and forefinger. It seems familiar and I cannot stop staring at it.

He catches me looking so I look down. "What? Its not pretty I know."

I decide to throw caution to the winds.

"I'm sorry," I say even though I am not. "How did it happen?"

Strasser shares a look with his driver.

"Well," he says as Jill glances at me. "You could say I had an encounter... with a monster. Monstrule."

He laughs but I freeze as I am hit with a flashback:

Jill, Joe and I are hiding as the men that killed Joe's mother are talking about him. They're also talking about how they shot our mother and she might be hurt.

"Monstrule," one of the men says. "Oh! That little demon took off my thumb and trigger finger. Monstrule! Monstrule!!"

As my memory ends I realise why I do not trust these men. They killed our mum and Joe's.

I look at Jill and it seems she has made the same connection. I tense as I realise that both us and Joe are in real danger as long as we are in this truck.

We need to get out and so does Joe. But we are in the middle of the two.

We try to fight the tears as we need to be smart right now.

We suddenly hear a horn honking. It is Gregg's car. I glance at Jill and then we both look at Strasser who reaches for an inside pocket on his jacket.

Jill elbows him in the face. "MURDERER!!"

I throw the door open to the truck. Jill climbs out and so do I. We both end up hanging on the door side by side. We struggle to get a grip as Strasser sits up and points his gun at us.

There is only one thing to do. We jump down.

I wince as I hit the pavement and the skin comes off my arm.

I look up at the truck just as Joe begins roaring.

"JOE GET OUT!!" Jill and I yell knowing Joe will do what we say.

"Jill!! Katelyn!!" Henry and Gregg both say as they climb out of the red car.

They help us to our feet and Gregg tries to put pressure on my arm but I hate myself right now and yank my arm out of his grip.

"What did we do?" I demand as we head back to Gregg's car. "Those are the guys that killed our mother!! We gotta go!! Joe's in trouble!! We have to hurry!!"

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