Chapter 6: The party and making a rash and dangerous decision.

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Chapter 6: The party and making a rash and dangerous decision.


Okay so we are getting further along into the story. Please tell me what you think.

Katelyn's outfit:



Katelyn's POV:

I feel ridiculous. Cecily has found me a pure purple dress and I have done my own hair up into a braid. But I am not used to dresses. Jill keeps reminding me that its just tonight.

We make it to the benefit. We go in and see Dr. Banks, Harry, Henry and Gregg stood together. The later two turn and look shocked to see us like we are.

Jill smiles as they both come towards us.

"Hi," Jill says to Gregg and I nod at the two men. "We feel so stupid in these dresses."

"You two look anything but stupid," they both say.

I have to fight not to smile now. Gregg is still trying to make me smile but I will not give in so easily.

"Come on," Gregg says and the two men lead us over to the table. "Let's get a drink."

All I grab is a soda as I cannot alcohol at seventeen. Henry takes my arm and I feel a lot more confident about tonight.

"Why are they staring at us?" Jill asks referring to the fact that there is a group of people staring at me and her.

Gregg glances at them. "Oh they're not staring at you. They're staring at that banana tower."

"Very funny," Jill says and Henry chuckles along with Gregg.

"Come on," Gregg says and he offers his arm to Jill.

"Shall we?" Henry asks the same thing.

We all turn as Mr. Baker goes to the podium.

"Ladies and gentlemen will you please take your seats?" He asks the room at large.

Jill, Gregg, Cecily, Harry, Henry and I all squeeze around one table. I give my sister a small smile. I hope Joe can handle this right now.

"Can I have your attention please?" Baker says again. "Just take your seats. I'm Elliot Baker. The world was once a garden teeming with life. A wondrous place to contemplate creation in its-"

As Baker continues his speech I begin to worry as Joe suddenly roars. What could be wrong with him?

"Can I have your attention please?" Mr. Baker continues his speech. "Our guest seems to be telling you that I'm talking too long. I'd like to bring up to the podium the director of our conservancy-"

Joe growls again and I share a look with Jill. That does not sound like him.

I go to move but Gregg and Henry both grip my elbows and keep me down. I notice that Gregg also places his hand on Jill's.

"Well I suppose there's no need to add to that introduction," Baker says. "Here's Dr. Harry Ruben."

Harry gets to his feet and we all clap as he approaches the podium.

"Thank you," Harry says as Bakes takes his seat. "Thank you very much. In the time it took you to drive here tonight, three species have disappeared from the Earth. Extinct. Never to be replaced. We here at the conservancy say that this is a tragedy-"

Joe roars again this time a lot louder. I get to my feet but once more I am stopped and so is Jill.

"Well uh obviously Joe agrees," Harry says.

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