Chapter 1: Gorilla's and the promise.

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Chapter 1: Gorilla's and the promise to mummy.


Okay so now I am making movie fanfic's as well but they won't be posted until completed and they will be created in between chapters of my other fics.

Katelyn's POV:

I hold my mummy's hand as we walk to the area where the gorilla's are. My big sister Jill walks besides us. She is a big girl and does not have to hold mummy's hand. Mummy says as I am only five I have to.

But I am not five. I am nearly six.

We get to the area and I play with my coloring book while Jill sketches and mum takes pictures of the gorilla's.

One gorilla in particular catches my eye. Joe.

I watch as he falls from a branch and I smile at him. He glances between Jill and I.

He then moves a little closer to the two of us. I glance at Jill and then at mummy. She always tells us not to interact with the gorilla's but what else are we supposed to do? He wants us to come over to him I just know it.

We glance at mummy before Jill takes my hand and we move towards where Joe is. He begins to try and play hide and seek with us which we continue to do until there is a roar.

I look around as our name is called. "Jill, Katelyn."

We walk back towards our mother as Joe goes to his own.

"What did I tell you two?" Mummy asks and I lower my head down.

"But Joe started it," Jill says to our mother.

"It's not good for them to interact with us," she reminds us and I continue to look at my feet.

As a group the three of us help mummy to pack up her things. It is time for us to start heading home. Mummy takes my hand and once more Jill takes my hand and we begin to make our way back. It is getting dark and we need to eat before we start getting ready for bed.

"Besides," mummy says to the two of us. "That wasn't Joe. That was Marley."

Jill and I share a look before we both say. "No it wasn't. It was Joe."

Mummy sighs. "Joe's just a baby Jill. He's too big to be Joe."

"Check," Jill says and I nod my head in agreement. "Check the pictures."

We get home and begin to sort out supper. We know that it is time to go bed right after but I hate bed time. I want to stay up and be a big girl.

I plead with mummy but she will have none of it. She takes me to wash my face and brush my teeth. Then I wait while Jill does hers and I hope that mummy will sing our favourite song to us before we have to go sleep. Because I want her too.

I love that song.


We head to our room.

"Hey," mum says as she heads in just as we are climbing into bed. "I said into bed."

"We are in bed," Jill and I say together before grinning at each other.

"Girls," mum says as she stokes the fire. "What made you think that that gorilla that we saw today was Joe?"

Jill and I smirk at each other and Jill speaks. "We were right weren't we?"

She goes to tuck Jill in and then comes over to me.

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