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i've had enough of your bullshit


how fucking dare you think you can get away with it?

okay so what if it's another fandom? you name your story dark queen instead of killer queen and white wash my entire fancast? then you practically go stealing lines in the first half of the first chapter in my story, killer queen?

it's just not cool.

you're supposed to be my friend, mel. not only on wattpad, but irl too. first you start with copying my english essay and saying it was me who copied you, and now this?

take. it. down.

or at least change it a little. i can see all the similarities! some of the lines from MY fucking book that you stole?

i just can't wait for the second chapter, mel. because it'll just be the other half of the first chapter of my book, and it won't take you that long. not as long as it took me, right? because all you have to do is be a little copying rat of a friend

so guys who aren't mel and reading this, you can read the first half of chapter one in my story, killer queen, and then read mel's story, dark queen.

we can even play a game; how many things can we find that mel's copied from kiera?

mels-- i can't believe i ever considered you a friend after all you've done to me. and it's so much more than the english essay and the story on here. i am tired of your bullshit

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