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Stop complaining about what he isn't. Stop nagging about what he can't do. All you can do is opening up issues and talking it over, making him aware. Just like pottery, love should not be forcing, it should be guiding. You can't force to make him do things just because you want him to be like someone you saw in the movies. Movies are superficial. It seldom correlates with reality. Yes, honey, it is not like the movies at all. Unless he is willing to change, there is nothing much you can do. In the first place, you should have loved him because of him being him and not the things things he couldn't become nor the things he couldn't give other than love. If that's the case then, you are probably not in love with him. You are in love with the idea of being in love. Relationships end because you say he has too much shortcomings without noticing that, all these time, what he has been doing is the best he can do and what he has been giving is the best he can give and that's just sad; so sad. So learn to appreciate small things before it's too late. ♡

Charlene Palalay; 11.20.2016

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