Chapter Four - Diffusion

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"Stupid girl..."

Saito's shoulders slumped slightly as he heard his master mumble another insult about the girl who's familiar had destroyed the pictures. (Name) had been doing it ever since they got back in the room.

She had asked him to move her bed against the wall so that there was more room for his. Saito sat down on her bed, taking a break from pushing it, and looked at her.

Her face was red with anger as she glared down at the spot she was going to put Saito's bed on. (Name) ground her teeth a bit and threw her hands up in frustration. "Grah! Stupid! Idiotic! Asinine! Just plain dumb!"


She pouted and slumped down to the floor, her legs bent at either side of her. "What is it, Hiraga?"

"W-why don't you just take a deep breath and relax? You look like you're about to burst." He tried to joke to lighten the mood. 

(Name) stared at him for a moment. Then, she smiled a bit. "You're a good Familiar, Hiraga, and a good person." She stood up and went around to the other side of her bed, grabbing the edge of the frame. "Here, help me push it a bit more. If I can't make a new bed, I'll split mine into two."

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Saito asked as he got up to help.

The young mage nodded. "Positive. Now, push." The two teens pushed and pulled the bed to get it over a few more inches. Then, (Name) ran around to the end of the bed and began to perform her spell on the bed, holding onto the bedposts and closing her eyes. 

Saito watched her with immense curiousity as (Name)'s hands started to glow. Since she wasn't looking at him, he was able to observe her more closely without feeling embarrassed. 'Gee... She's kind of pretty...' Saito got on top of the bed, still staring at (Name)'s face, so he could get a closer look.

Just then, (Name) let go of the bedposts and held onto the board at the end of the bed, pulling it apart and making it two equal sized beds. Saito shouted out in surprise, falling off the now smaller bed he was kneeling on.

(Name) squeaked as she looked down at her familiar. "Hiraga, what were you doing on the bed?! I could have split you in half!" She knelt down beside him. "Are you okay?"

He glanced up, only to catch a glimpse up her skirt. Saito blushed and shot to his feet, saluting her clumsily. "A-a'okay, captain! I'm completely fine!" He chuckled nervously as the embarrassment began to set in.

"Well, okay, Hiraga." The noble girl stood up and picked up the covers on the left bed. She whipped them out, turning them blue, before tucking them back into the bed. "I assume you'd prefer blue sheets to rose-colored ones, right?"

Saito smoothed his hand over his new bedsheets and grinned. "You're amazing, (Name)."

She blushed. "Really? You think so?" They stared at each other for a moment before (Name) rubbed the back of her neck and chuckled. "Hiraga, I would like to thank you. You kept me from making a mess of things about the pictures being ruined."

"Well, thank you for thanking me, but, isn't that what a Familiar is suppose to do? Make their master feel better?"

(Name) stepped closer to him. "Still, you're more than a Familiar. You're a human being. Any act of kindness should be greeted with gratitude."

"G-gratitude? W-w-what do you mean?" Saito blushed as (Name) came closer to him and gave him a hug. He could only slightly feel her breast push against his chest, confusing him. "Hm? I thought they were bigger than that..."

(Name) pulled back and glared at him. "What was that, Hiraga?!" He didn't know that he'd voiced his thought aloud. "You thought what was bigger?!"


"No, you said it. Now, tell me!"

Saito glanced around the room for an escape from this conversation. Then, he pointed over to the package (Name)'s father had sent. "H-hey, what was that bag in the box? What's in there?"

The second-year teen pouted at Saito's attempt to sway the conversation away from his spoken thoughts. But, she decided to not embarrass him anymore and showed him the golden coins inside of the small bag. "Papa always sends me a bit of money each time I write. He knows how expensive things can be here, and he wants to make sure that I can afford whatever I want."

He gawked at the bundle of coins in disbelief. "No way! He just has gold coins to give away?!"

"What form of currency do you use in your world, Hiraga? In Earth?"

"Well, I lived in Japan. We used yen there."

(Name) tilted her head. "Yen. That kind of sounds like a food." She gasped, curious and excited eyes sparkling. "Did you use food and desserts as currency in Earth, Hiraga?!"

Saito chuckled, shaking his head. "No, no. We used paper and coin money."

"Oh." She pulled out a gold coin and gave it to him to examine. "Our currency is gold pieces, as you can see. I already have more than enough right now, so I'll use this on you. We can buy you some clothes so you can be more comfortable here."

"Huh? Really? You'd use your money on me?"

(Name) smiled sweetly at him. "Of course~! My Familiar will have only the best that I can afford. We'll go into town in a few days, so think about what you want."

Saito blushed at the short girl before him. He wasn't used to any girl being so willing to pamper him and spend countless hours with him. 'Maybe it won't be too bad here.' 

Just then, there was a knock at the door. (Name) walked away from the beds and stood by the small table in her room, looking toward the door. "Enter."

In walked the noble's good friend, Siesta. "Miss (Name)?"

"Siesta! What brings you here?"

"I saw you and your familiar come up here. You looked upset before, but you look much happier now." The ravenette grinned. Then, she frowned a bit. "I'm sorry I couldn't be here earlier, but I did have my duties to attend to."

(Name) smiled at her, shaking her head. "No, no, don't be sorry. Luckily, Hiraga was around to help me feel better."

"Hiraga? That's his name?" Siesta approached him and held her hand out to shake. Because he was a Familiar and a peasant, she felt that they were on more similar levels than herself and the magic user (Name). "My name is Siesta. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Saito smiled politely and shook her hand. "My name is Saito Hiraga. Nice to meet you."

"Hiraga, Siesta is my best friend here." (Name) said. "She works as a maid here, cleaning up and helping in the kitchen and such. So, if you ever need help and I can't be there, you can go to her, right?"

The girls grinned at each other. "Of course. Any friend of Miss (Name)'s is a friend of mine."

Saito grinned, too. Life in this world would certainly be interesting for him.

The Familiar of Useless (Saito x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant