*Chapter 7: Skating Slip-Up

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Do a crossover…toe loop…and a spiral.

With that, I did a snowplow stop and froze in place. I had done all of the things I had been practicing, and that was the first time I had gotten them all right all together. I was definitely improving.

Skating is the only sport that I’m really good at. It’s graceful and artistic. The skates glide over the ice in a careful line, and it’s so beautiful to watch. I try to bring that artistic form into everything I write.

My mind flashed back to the poem I wrote that one time, the one Harry found. I smiled as I remembered it. That poem, it was the honest truth. And the last line, it was completely true. Honestly, it’s been six months since we first really met. But knowing him has been a great gift.

Honestly, I’m falling for him in a whole new way. I don’t mean having a crush on him because of his looks or his voice. I’m falling for Harry, the young guy who helped me be myself. I might not be truly in love with him just yet, but who knows, I might be. But, at the moment, I just have really strong feelings for him. Okay, they’re really really strong feelings for him.

That was really cheesy. Simone would laugh and tell me it was way too sappy to be real. But she didn’t understand. Not yet. Maybe Tanner would help her understand. That’d be so cute! They’ve known each other forever after all, so it’d be perfect.

As my thoughts continued to travel in fifty different directions, I went back to skating. I hummed softly to myself as I did this. I spun around on the ice happily, enjoying every second. It was a real rush to be on the ice. I loved it. I was in my own little world whenever I did this.

A mohawk…then a lunge…and a bunny hop.

I tripped up slightly on the bunny hop, but still managed to stay on my feet. I sighed in relief. The last time I fell terribly, I fell on my right arm, my writing arm, and I sprained my wrist. It wasn’t too bad. It only caused me to be unable to write for a week at the most. That’s been the worst injury I’ve gotten when skating, and it was years ago.

I thought I heard the crunching of snow underneath boots near the edge of the pond. But, instead of looking towards it, I focused on my skating. I needed my practice, after all.

I skated around happily, humming a song that always got me moving. It was a song that was kind of a blast from my past, but I really enjoyed it. Too bad it wasn’t really a skating song. But, it was pretty fun anyway.

As I spun around the ice, I smiled brightly. I was completely focused on my skating, nothing more.

A few three turns, ballet jumps and slaloms later, I decided I wanted to try something new. My teacher, Olivia, had taught me a new move a few weeks ago. This would be my first opportunity to try it out, since the rink had been closed for refurbishment for weeks. Plus, I don’t really like skating on the outdoor rink near my house because it’s always bumpy everywhere. At least this pond was relatively smooth everywhere.

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