New Needed friendship

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Part 2:

"Harry...?" she stepped to me with a very worried look on her face

"Look away." I pleaded  turning my body away from her trying to hide the tears forming in my eyes.

 "Who did this to you?" she whimpered up at me

"Ariel..."she turned me around again but I couldn't look at her

            Her fingers lightly ran over my skin, over my chest and around my neck where I was able to hide my marks until today. I flinched when she touched one of my new bruises, but it wasn't one of my father's bruises it was from Zayn. I looked down at her to see more tears in her eyes, ones that were heavy, ones that held a deeper story. But she wouldn't look at me.

"Who did this Harry?"

"I can't tell you..."

"Why not?"

"No one can know yet."

            She dropped her head and I saw a tears fall, so I lifted her chin so that she would look at me. We were close now, her body was touching my bare skin, and she was warm. I made the moment tender and I tried not to scare her. I slowly tried to wrap my arms around her but she pulled away. 

"Harry has Zayn beat you any other times?" she asked looking me in the eyes

"No." I reply

"Promise me."

"I promise." I wrap my arms around her and lightly hug her.

"I... I have to go to class."

            But I didn't want her to go, I felt safer with her here with me. She looked up at me, her eyes were fuller then ever I was lost in them. Like I was walking through a deep forest with trees so high all you could see was the dark brown bark. She was blushing; I started to wonder what she saw in my eyes when she looked in them. I felt a smile run across my face before she slowly started to pull away.

"We are still on for lunch right?" I held her hand

"Yeah." She shyly muttered

"Okay, now go to class beautiful." I smile


            She hugged me again, tighter this time, and then walked away. I felt lonely and sad I missed her already was that crazy that I missed her already? I pushed the thoughts in the back of my mind as best as I could and got ready to go to class. I put my shirt back on and made my way out into the hall. As I walked down the hall I saw Zayn inside his class looking out the door, at me, I just kept walking. I stepped into my calculus class and the whole class turned and looked at me.

"Well...Mr. nice of you to join us." Mr. Moore snickered at me

"Mr. Moore your class is oh so important to me I had to come."

"Have a seat sir." he snapped at me

            As I made my way to my seat everyone was still looking at me. As I kept questioning why they were looking at me my phone was vibrating in my pocket...

*Look Harry you are not good enough for Ariel. You better watch your back because I'll be watching you little bitch.*

            The number wasn't actually in my phone but it was easy to assume it was from Zayn or one of his rats. I put my phone away and followed along with the very difficult math lesson. I didn't realize how fast the day was going until it was already lunch. I went out to my car and Ariel was already there waiting for me.

"Hey." I smiled


"Where would you like to go?" I ask as I open her door.

            She blushed and tried to hide it but couldn't. This made me smile a wide happy smile. SHILVERY IS NOT DEAD PEOPLE!  I laugh under my breath at  my subconscious thoughts. I'm pulled back to reality when she asks 

"Do you like Noodles and Company?" she asked as I got in the car.

"Hell yeah I do!"

"Okay, so that's okay for lunch?"

"Yes beautiful."

            She was still blushing; I had hoped the way this was going that she may start to like me. I knew I liked her already, a lot so if this went well maybe she would like to hang out more. I start to drive and I could feel her looking at me. Her warm innocent brown eyes were burning hole into my dark evil skin.  She made me feel different then any other girl in my life ever has. Granted the only other girl in my life is my mom, I've had other girls come and go. I never had any kind of relationship with them only a small friendship. Ariel was much better than me I knew that, but I wanted to try. I wanted to know her. When I finally pulled up to the restaurant and was able to park she was really excited.

"You ready?" I smile unbuckling myself

"Yeah let's go!"

            I got out of the door as fast as I could, but she opened her door before I could. As she stepped out into the street I saw a black car speeding towards her way. I grabbed her arm and wrapped my other arm around her waist and pulled her back to me, as the black car slammed on its breaks right in front of us. A small cry escaped her lips as she pulled on the top of my shirt as I held her pulling herself closer to me.  I felt her shaking in my arms. I clinch my teeth ready to yell at anyone who exited the car who tried to hurt her.

Beaten, Broken, Loved, then FixedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя