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I was currently sitting in a room that was foreign to me while Elle and Andrew "discussed" the whole situation. "Discussed" meaning gradually raising their voices till they were shouting at each other.
I stared at the curtain-less window. The sun had just went down and i have a gut feeling that we're not staying here.
How could two people be so stupid? How does one create life on 'accident' when their clearly not in a stable position?
Just then the door swung open to reveal a bloodshot Andrew.
"We're staying here." He breathed. His voice was quiet. "I talked to Elle. Bottom line is that she's keeping the baby and I'm staying. I want to be there for my child no matter how hard." He said looking down.
"It's your own fault. You know that right?" I say after a while.
He nods his head slowly staring at a spot in the wooden floor. "I...I just need to clear my head. I'm going for a walk." He said not moving his eyes of that one spot. "Try to get some sleep." He said looking at me.
With that said he walked away slowly. I got off the bed shortly after Andrew left. I walked into the living room and saw Elle on the couch with her head in her hands.
"You can kill it you know." I say bluntly. "Stress isn't good for fetuses."
She looks up at me, surprised by what came out of my mouth. She sat there and thought for a second.
"How am I supposed to feel?" She asks. Her tone of voice displayed how helpless she was.
"You got yourself into this mess. So stop throwing a pity party because no one will show up." I tell her looking into her eyes.
She sat there and looked at me in disbelief. And in that moment did I realize that society has shaped her to feel this way. Having a baby at a young age was considered a bad thing. It was looked down upon, whereas in other areas of the world people would be celebrating.
Emotions separate us rather than bring us together. There is no such thing as a language barrier, no, it's an emotional barrier. And it's not only with people who are foreign to us, it's people who speak the same language as us also.
I looked back over at Elle who had stopped crying and was looking down at her lap.
With that I've decided I've said enough and get up to go back into the room, when Elle stopped me.
"Wait, Jack." I looked over my shoulder and stopped. "Let me get you a blanket or something." She wipes her tear stained face. "It's getting chilly at night now."
     "I'm fine." I say bluntly. I got back into the room, lay on the bed and pull the thin sheet over my goosebumps body.
     A cool, almost autumn like breeze blew through the room, as I pulled the sheet over my shoulders.
    I lay there, feeling lost. Was it ever going to change? Am I ever going to feel like I know exactly where I stand? Something told me that the answer was far down the line.
I roll over to the other side to face the wall. I fiddle with a piece of loose string as I think about how much has changed over this summer, over the span of the three months.
It was crazy, insane almost to think about. I have information, now I just need answers. Why was my mom killed? And by who? What was she trying to hide...?
In that split second that light bulb flickered on. The single light bulb that was always off, turned on. Two pieces of this puzzle fit perfectly together, as they should.
I got up and locked the door, so Andrew or even Elle would come in. I placed shoes on my feet, went out the window, and ran. And let me tell you I've never ran so fast in my life.

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