Chapter Eleven:One on One

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I have lunch with juniors unnnng I don't talk to juniors at my school!

Stiles walked through his front door his stomach stuffed after the breakfast he had with Derek. His fear rested at the bottom of his gut making him feel even more unsure about himself and about his relationship with Derek. He just wanted to be happy, but his happiness was comprised because of other people's opinions on them. He groaned and shut his front door trudging to his kitchen.

His father sat at the table sipping on a hot cup of coffee and reading a section of his newspaper. It was still early and he thought his dad would be sleeping in. John raised an eyebrow at Stiles who took a seat across from him hoping he wouldn't have to explain himself too much.

"You're up early..." John murmured into his cup.

Stiles let out a soft yawn, "yeah I went out to get breakfast with Lydia."

"Oh?" Both John's eyebrows shot up, "how was that?"

Stiles knew exactly what that 'oh' meant. He really thought Stiles was making a move on Lydia. Lydia of all people. Stiles resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Of course he wasn't obvious enough for his father to figure out he was into guys not that he wanted him to find out anyways. He just didn't want his dad snooping around his love life.

"Not what you think dad." Stiles scoffed.

John shrugged, "I didn't say anything that implied anything between the two of you."

"Your face said it all." Stiles rested his head on one of his hands.

"Really?" John teased and Stiles gave him an annoyed glare.

"Nothing happened." Stiles deadpanned, "we had breakfast and talked that's all."

"Okay." John winked and Stiles groaned.

Stiles was sure his dad thought he was groaning because he was embarrassed, but in actuality he was groaning because he couldn't stand the idea of dating Lydia. She was a great friend and that was all. If only John didn't just assume Stiles was straight or maybe if he actually paid attention to some of the things Stiles said every now and then he'd catch on, but he didn't and he most likely wouldn't until Stiles told him. If Stiles told him. Plus he hadn't hung out with Lydia in over two weeks. Not that his dad needed to know that.

"Do you work today?" Stiles changed the subject.

John chuckled taking the hint, "yeah I'll be leaving in a few."

Stiles nodded and suddenly a thought came spewing out of his mouth, "what do you think about Derek Hale?"

"Talia's boy?" John took another sip of his drink.

Stiles nodded.

"He's a good kid and a great athlete." John shrugged, "why?"

"No reason." Stiles hummed looking down at his hands.

"Is he giving you trouble?" John looked up at Stiles and away from his newspaper.

"Actually we're working on something together." Stiles shifted in his seat, "mind if I invite him over sometimes?"

John smiled, "a friend of yours is a friend of mine."

Stiles felt a small bit of relief rush through his body and all he wanted to do was call Derek and invite him over at that very moment. John took another gulp of coffee sighing. Stiles felt his phone buzz and looked down to see a message from Lydia.

"What class is the project you two are working on for by the way?" John questioned.

"Uh-um-" Stiles sputtered, "chem-chemistry."

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