Chapter 2

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Out of Time

Chapter 2

182 days before (continued)

"Wait...I have cancer?" I said, feeling my whole world fall down.

"I'm so sorry, James," Dr. Johnson said.

I just looked down at my hands, but soon looked away because I felt worse staring at the sickly pale color. "You have leukemia to be exact," Dr. Johnson said.

I wanted to break out into a run, just sprint away from this awful place and leave. I was going to leave anyways, why not now? "Is there any questions or concerns you have?" Dr. Johnson asked.

"Yeah. How long do I have to live?" I asked, a tinge of bitterness in my voice.

"We can take an educated guess, but it would depend on a number of factors," Dr. Johnson said.

"Like what?"

"How you take care of your body, if you decide to go through chemotherapy, take special medications," Dr. Johnson said.

"And if I don't? How long then?" I asked.

"Maybe a year? Two years? We can't know for sure," Dr. Johnson said. "I'm truly sorry, James."

I felt like dying right then and there. I just nodded, staring at the tiles on the floor which were becoming more and more interesting. "Here's an informational pamphlet. If you have any questions at all, feel free to contact us," Dr. Johnson said.

I just continued to look at the tiles, ignoring him completely. "Thank you," Siva said, taking the pamphlet from his hand.

Dr. Johnson nodded, and I could feel his sympathetic stare on me. "I'm truly sorry, James," he said for what seemed like the thousandth time.

I just nodded again and he exited the room, leaving Siva and I alone. "Let's just go home," I mumbled, standing up from my seat.

Siva nodded, getting up as well. "Would you like me to pick you up anything on the ride home? I can get you some food, films, anything you really want-"

"Siva, I'm not dead yet," I said, cutting him off in a harsh tone, "don't treat me like I am."

"You shouldn't act like you are either," Siva said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You said it yourself, you're not dead yet," Siva said.

I just sighed and Siva nodded at me. "Okay, then let's go home," he said.

I nodded at him as we left the room and walked to the elevator, getting inside as Siva hit the button for the main lobby. More people filed into the elevator and I could feel them staring at me, looking at how pale and sickly I was, like they knew I was dying. This was how it was going to be from now on. I might as well get a gun because I know I can't take this for long.

The elevator stopped at the main lobby and the doors opened. Siva and I got out along with the other people. I could hear them whispering things to each other, probably things about me. I sighed, hugging my black sweatshirt closer to myself and looked down at the tiles on the floor as I walked out of the hospital. Then, I bumped into something. It was another person.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry," she said.

"It's fine," I said, looking up at her. She was beautiful. Long, wavy brown hair and bright blue eyes that didn't quite match my own, as hers had a tinge of gray in them, making them more stunning. I looked at her for what seemed like forever, but in reality was a few short seconds.

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