y e p p e u d a

14 1 0

as the faucet running,
she wash her face,
and look into the mirror,
she hate the reflection,
on the mirror,
she punch the mirror,
until her hand bleeding,
she falls,
on the floor,
and crying,
because she hate herself.

and he was behind her,
looking as if he want to hold her,
he want to save her,
he want to hug her,
he want to illuminate her life,
so she do not have to fall,
on the black and dim world.
he in love with her.

but too bad that,
she keep wearing earphone,
and compliment the harmony,
the others make,
until she does not realize,
the harmony that she make,
are more beautiful than the others.


yeppeuda (?) mean
in korean : beautiful

now listening ♬
Dua Rasa - Edanaziela

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