5 ~ Aph In Hospital

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Before This Chapter Begins I Just Wanted To Tell Y'all That My Writing Will be Changing Up A Bit As You Might Notice. I Find It Easier This Way. On With the Chapter:

Aph's Pov:

I woke up around 1:30am and got these horrible pains in my stomach. I tried to move but it was hard because the pain was unbearable.

I tried to get back to sleep but I couldn't. It was to much pain to sleep through.

Around 2am I decided I needed to go to the hospital because something was not right. I went and woke up Levin and Malicah.

I told them we needed to go to the hospital because something was wrong with me. They understood though they were very tired.

I then realized I really shouldn't be driving like this. What am I going to do.

Everyone's asleep and I don't wanna wake them up. I guess I might just have to wait at least 6 more hours.

I tried to get back to sleep and ignore the pain. Levin and Malicah saw that I wasn't feeling good and they hopped in bed with me.

When they got in bed with me they cuddled up to me and fell asleep hugging me. I smiled.

It helped a lot.

-Time Skip 6 Hours-

Last night was a living hell. I need to go to the hospital now.

I can barely get out of bed. I asked Malicah if he could bring me my phone and he said okay and brought me my phone.

I called the first contact that came up on my phone which was Aaron's Contact. I called it and he answered.

-The Conversation-

Aaron: Hey Aph!

Aph: Hi...Aaron.

Aaron: Aph? Are you okay?

Aph: N-No.

Aaron: What's Wrong?! Do you need help?!

Aph: I was wondering if you could take me to the hospital. I can't even get out of bed it hurts so much.

Aaron: I'M ON MY WAY!

Aph: Thanks...

-Conversations Over-

Well I guess Aaron's coming. I feel really nauseous now.

I call out to the boys and tell them to get their shoes on jackets on because Aaron's coming. They did.

I saw them come into my room. Then slowly darkness covered my eye lids and I passed out.

Aaron's Pov:

I got a call from Aph saying she needed to go to the hospital. I could tell that she was in pain.

I could tell it by her voice. I'm only a minute away and Thank God there's no traffic.

I got to her apartment and knocked on the door. I see the door open in front of me and I look down and see Levin and Malicah.

They said Mommy's in here and walked me to Aph's room. They then tell me that's she's sleeping.

I know what really happened but Levin and Malicah are to young to understand. I tell them Thank You and rush right in trying to wake Aph up.

I carried her out to the car and got her in the back with Levin and Malicah. I start to drive.

5 minutes later and we are at the hospital. We don't live far away from one.

I carried her inside and a doctor took her in a room. I waited out in the waiting room with Levin and Malicah.

They looked worried. They asked me if she was going to be okay.

I said She'll be okay. I couldn't let them know how worried I was because that would make them more worried.

I care about them like I would care about my own children if I had one. I tell them more stuff and I really do mean it.


Levin: What's wrong with mommy?

Aaron: I don't know. I hope she's okay though.

Levin: Us too.

Malicah: What will happen if she's not okay though.

Aaron: Then I'll take care of you guys. I promise.

Levin: Thwank you.

Malicah: Thwank You Too.

Aaron: Heh you guys are adorable. I'm sure your Mommy's okay.

Levin & Malicah: Thwank You

*they all hug*

-Conversations Over-

Those boys are cute. I see a doctor come over and tell me what's wrong with Aph.

He says that she has a few bad blood clots in her stomach and in a part of her brain. I am almost about to cry.

Then he tells me the main thing that I want to hear. He says She'll Be Alright.

I took a silent sigh of relief and head back over to the waiting room to tell the boys that she's okay. I walk in there and see them hugging and take a picture of it to show Aph cause it's just so cute.

As soon as I get in they ask if she's alright. I tell them everything and they get up and give me a hug.

I hugged them back and tried my best to make them feel comfortable. I asked if they wanted to see her and they jumped up and yes.

We went to Aph's room and went in. She was awake in there and said hi.

I was so happy she was okay that I ran up to her and hugged her. The boys ran up to her and hugged her too.

We all asked if she was alright and she said she was feeling better. That made me so happy.

I saw her hooked onto all of those machines and wires that it broke my heart. I couldn't be more happy that she's okay though.

We just stayed in that room all talking until Aph could go home. I took her home and I stayed there to.

We hung out for a bit until it was getting dark and I had to go home. I know exactly what I'm doing tomorrow though.

I'm going to take her out somewhere and ask her to be my girlfriend. I really do love her.

That's it for this chapter. I think it's the longest one so far. Anyway hope you all have a great day and until next time:

Bye Mah Lil Poo Berries!

Next Chapter: Will You Be My Girlfriend?

Words: 1034


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