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9th of may - 7:55am

Dear Diary,

5 fucking minutes. Five minutes before my soulmates walks through that ugly, creaky door. Do i smell? I think i smell. Shit. Did i put deodorant on this morning?? i don't know. shit shit shit.

0000 : 00 : 01 : 24

I chuck my phone in my bag and fiddle with my thumbs waiting for whoever to walk through the door. "Yo lover-boy."
"Jesus- fuck Pidge! Don't sneak up on people like that!"
"Well it was payback." They say folding their arms and placing them on their desk.
"What! Thats not fair!" Pidge shushes me and points to the door.

—— : — : — : —

Two boys, both incredibly beautiful. One with a dark haired mullet and fuck i hate those, the other with long grey hair. But...
"Which one of them is my soulmate?" I whisper, not knowing i actually said it out loud.
"If you had gotten to mine sooner yesterday you would know." Pidge's voice startles me, they sit next to me in form. Hunk isn't in our form, which is a shame, i wanted him with me to experience this sappy junk. "The one with the mullet? Thats Keith."
"So thats my arch nemesis- and the other is... Lotor?"
"Yep. Keith didn't speak very much of him so i don't know how he's like. All we know is that both of them are super gay." They rest their chin on their palm.
"Okay. Pinch me?"
"So i know I'm not dreaming."
"Technically if this was a dream you wouldn't be asking me to check if it was, unless you were lucid dreaming but sure. I'll take any chance to injure you." They explain before pinching my forearm, digging in their nails as hard as they can.
"Ow! What the fuck!" I accidentally yell and cradle my arm.
"Lance, unless you want detention, please shut up." The teacher says and everyone else immediately start 'ooo'ing.
"Yes sorry miss."
"And Katie, keep your hands to yourself." Pidge mumbles something incoherent and sits back in their chair with their arms folded. "As i was saying. Our new exchange students- Keith and Lotor- will be staying with us for 6 months, which right now may seem like a long time but time will fly by while you're all having fun-"
"Having fun with your mum." Someone says from at the back of the class and rest of the class starts laughing, except for Pidge and I. I think both of us are mad she used Pidge's birth name instead of her preferred.
"Why did i sign up for this." i hear her mumble while running her fingers through her hair. The bell rings and everyone heads out of the classroom, I contemplate talking to the teacher about using Pidge's preferred name but decided to walk out with Pidge.
"She's a bitch." I blurt out.
"Tell me about it." They roll their eyes.
"You're even in the school system as Pidge, what the fuck."
"Yeah... but don't worry about it. So... who you like more?" They say, jabbing their elbow into my side.
"What? Out of Keith and Lotor?" Pidge nods, "Well Keith's mullet is fucking horrible but im not surprised. I mean his name is Keith. Thats like the least popular name in the english language. I'll admit he is cute but Lotor is pretty hot, i wouldn't mind tapping that."
"Only if you ask, pretty boy." Lotor and Keith appear behind us, which startles me causing me to almost fall over.
"Oh did i say tap that? I meant- shit, I'm sorry." I face-palm at my own stupidity.
"No worries, i cant help my looks. Mind telling me why you were talking about me though?"
"Oh um you see... my timer went off as soon as the two of you walked into the classroom and I cant tell which of you.."
"Is your soulmate, yes. My timer went off as well. I guess I'm your soulmate?"
"I guess so. Im Lance." I feel my entire face heat up. He's gorgeous.. He's not at all what i thought my soulmate would be though.
"Actually-" Keith starts but Lotor cuts him off.
"What class do you have now, id like to get to know you."
"I have science, you?"
"Shame. I have trigonometry." Lotor steps closer to me and Pidge goes behind him to talk to Keith, about what i don't know.
"Oh that sucks. what about after that?" i say, placing my hand on my hip out of habit. A silly habit that i do when I'm scheming. I probably look dumb, ugh. i drop my arm and scratch my neck, feeling awkward.
"I have english, I'm pretty sure."
"Me too! Ill meet you at your class room so we can walk to together?"
"Such a gentlemen. Of course, i look forward to it, ill see you then." He gives a smirk and turns to face Keith. "Bye bye."
"So! Keith, whens your soulmate due?" i say.
"What?" He tilts his head in confusion.
"When are you meeting your soulmate." Pidge translates.
"Oh um.. i already have?"
"So mullet does have a soulmate. Who knew."
"Whats that supposed to mean?" Keith steps closer to me, Pidge stumbles out of his way.
"Shit lance- nothing!" Pidge pushes Keith and I apart, "He was definitely not being an asshole." They say through their teeth.
"It means that someone like you-"
"Lance." Shiro steps between us, glaring at me.
"Shiro! Thank god i didn't know id ever say this, but I'm glad you showed up suddenly." Pidge says, sighing and Shiro gives them a reassuring smile.
"I see you two finally met. But anyway, lets get to class. Its bad enough that I'm late."
"Okay." I groan and begin to walk with Pidge to the science lab that we have lunch in. Shiro and Keith follow behind. They talk but i cant hear what they're saying.
"Finally! I thought you guys died or something. What took you so long?" Hunk says running to me. I feel like im surprised he's the only one here but we're the only students in this class.
"Nothing that extreme, I just met my soulmate." I boast.
"Oh nice, man! I wish i could've been with you to see it happen. Well, who is it?"
"Lotor. Man he's absolutely gorgeous, he's got this mysterious vibe to him and after class I'm gonna walk to english with him!"
"Im super happy for you bro, at lunch maybe you can get his number."
''Oh yeah!" I forgot that phones exist.
"Wait, Lotor is your soulmate?" Shiro asks as he opens the classroom door and we flood in.
"Yeah! Me and Pidge-"
"'Pidge and I'." Pidge interrupts.
"Whatever, we were talking about them because i didn't know who it was because i saw them both at the same time and then suddenly Lotor and Keith pop up behind us! And Lotor's like 'so why were you talking about me' and i said it was because my timer went off and stuff and he's like 'mine went off too' so yeah." I explain, talking really quickly.
"Thats strange... Keith didn't you say-"
"Can i talk to you for a sec?" Keith interrupts suddenly.
"Of course, what is it?" Shiro says as Keith pulls him gently towards the door, too far from me for me to hear anything. He makes an 'oh' face and looks at me.
"Curiouser and curiouser."
"About what?" Hunk says.
"Keith." I say softly, trying for him not to hear me.
"You liiiiiiiike him?" Pidge pushes me playfully.
"No way his mullet is an instant turn off. No bueno." I see Keith suddenly clutch his chest and turn away from us. What a weirdo.

I feel like this is short im sorry but the next one might be short too, im working on another fic but ill try to update this every Thursday(Australian time so like Wednesday for anyone else)

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